What is Scamdex?

Scamdex is, first and foremost, an online resource for fighting Internet Fraud.

Where and Why Scamdex?

Headquartered in Sacramento, California and founded in 2004, Scamdex wants to Educate Internet Users about the evil people, who try ever more ingenious ways to steal their Identity and Money.

Many organizations do not have clear, concise scam and phishing reporting instructions. They hide behind the small print that warns people not to fall for scams but then fail to have a customer-driven reporting system so that scams (such as fake websites) continue much longer than they need to.

We report on ways in which Web Services such as Free Email (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo), Chat (AIM, ICQ, Skype), Social Networking (YouTube, MySpace etc) and Auctions sites (eBay, Yahoo, CraigsList) are (ab)used by scammers to defraud citizens world-wide, billions of dollars annually. We use many web services to identify, investigate, analyse and report on email scams we get - our aim is to get the Search Engines to pick up new scam emails as soon as they arrive so that sceptical people can 'find' the information on Scamdex when they are trying to find clues as to a scam's authenticity. We are proud to say that many people have been helped in this way by Scamdex!

Scamdex is the leading free repository of world-wide scam emails and is supported entirely by advertising. We mainly use 'Google Adsense' as we have found in the past that some other ad-serving companies actually include advertisers who are themselves scammers!

How can I Contact Scamdex?

Click on this link to send Scamdex a message. If you want a reply or you have an issue with one of our scam pages, please remember to include your email address and page reference.

Will you check to see if I am being scammed?

Sure! I can identify probably 90% of scams on sight and I'll be happy to give you a simple Yes/No answer - Click on this link to send Scamdex a message. In some cases, people want more detail, especially if they are already 'on the hook' and in 'denial' about what is happening. In those cases, I'd be glad to put together a detailed report and give some ideas on how to stop/block/report/catch the crooks for a nominal donation (or 'gift of love' as my favorite preacher calls it) to my expenses.

Why do I see double underlined links?

These links are part of a pay per click advertising program called Infolinks. Infolinks is an In Text advertising service: they take my text and create links within it. If you hover your mouse over these double underlined links, you will see a small dialog box containing advertisement related to the text marked. You can choose to either move the mouse away and go on with your browsing, or to press on the box and go to the ad which is relevant to our text. Learn more about Double Underline Link Ads .

I have a scam email - How can I Send it to Scamdex?

We have several honeypot email accounts which give us all the scam emails we need, but if you find one that isn't in our database, then feel free to submit it as a Scam Tip Off Report.

Why are you letting me turn off advertising here?

Scamdex pays its bills with money we get from advertising. In fact, advertising is our only source of cash since we are beholden to nobody. However, we don't think that ads should be shoved down your throat. If you don't like advertising, you should have the ability to turn it off. And that is why we offer a "hide ads" button.

By clicking "hide ads", we won't show you ads on Scamdex for 24 hours. If you wish to permanently disable advertising on Scamdex, just register an account and login. All it takes is a username and password, and no more ads ever again!

Can I put my Ads on Scamdex?

Sure! I tend to trust Google and Text-Link-Ads for my advertising, that way I don't end up advertising the kind of organizations I am warning people about!
You can see my demographics and statistics (collated by Google) here. For Text-Link-Ads, go here.

How can I Help?

We are always happy to have help, either money to keep the server running or in kind (moderating, contributing, hosting, equipment etc). You can use this link to send us a donation by PayPal - every little helps - especially if Scamdex has helped you.

Can I Link to Scamdex? Will you link to my website?

Sure! Someday I will come up with some snazzy graphics in a range of sizes, but in the meantime, a link to the scamdex.com website helps my search engine ranking, so more people can find the information.

Here's a simple text link you could use:

Scamdex Internet Scam Resources

... Or my modest attempt at a stylish button (125 x 125 pixels) :
Scamdex Internet Scam Resources

If your website is complementary and/or relevant to Scamdex, I will be happy to post a link. Please don't bother me with trading links to pharma/porn/mlm/link farm sites - I'll just ignore you.

Can I Use Scamdex Information on my Website?

Generally the answer is Yes .... But!

The Scamdex archive has almost 100,000 scam emails and thousands of other snippets of information. We believe this information should be widely available so Creative Commons License The Scamdex Website by Scamdex is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License which advocates fair use policies for any published work.

In Addition...

Since you’re here …
we have a small favour to ask. More people are visting Scamdex and Scamalot than ever but advertising revenues are falling fast and we have no 'product' to sell. And unlike many informational websites, we haven’t put up a paywall or membership barrier – we want to keep our site as open as we can. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. Scamdex/Scamalot websites takes a lot of time, money and hard work to keep running. We do this because we hate to see our fellow humans getting scammed out of their hard-earned money by low-lives.
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