Scam Reporter | Scam Tips Received
| Edo Vedris, D.M.Sc, Pharm.G. Somewhere in Croatia 2015-08-18 14:37:58 Wills/Probate Scam Paypal ( | Sex offering scam. Payment SMS more
frequently as declared. Photo galeries
not reality but copyed from porno sites.
Hackers IP address.
I propose to to
add the new categories of scam:
SEXUAL SCAM. Please escuse me
for my bad English!
Si... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 2015-08-18 06:58:52 Wills/Probate Scam
| +5 Inheriting $23.7 million from a deceased oil magnate Letter received in the mail, stating that an oil magnate and his family died in tragic circumastances in Hong Kong in 2003, leaving $23.7 million plus in the bank. As there is no next of kin, the money is at risk of being absorbed by the Government, offici... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Inverbervie, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom 2015-08-17 14:43:35 Wills/Probate Scam
| Inheritance Scam Addressed to your full name
deceased with same surname
split 50-50
Hong Kong - Chinese national... ⇒ more |
| Gregory Joseph Censori Tucson, AZ, United States 2015-08-15 06:33:38 Wills/Probate Scam
| Untitled Wills/Probate Scam , ref:23875 Scammer Information | Name: Name Unknown | Email Address:
| Scam Website:
| Fax:
First Floor 106 St Vincent Street
Glasgow Scotland G2 5QD
United Kingdom
Ref#: GRSC/1000WZ87
ttn; Gregory Joseph Censori,
Fund Release Proceedings Beneficiary
With reference to your file number: GRSC/1777WZ87. Upon the recei... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada 2015-08-15 05:17:20 Wills/Probate Scam
| +3 Postal scam, will probate. FAX: 1801-527-6356 Arrived by postal mail, mailed from Canada return address US, very poor grammar so very suspicious, did not fall for it. Return address on envelope CP 502 LCD Merivale, Nepean ON K2C 4E9.
Postage meter number 3693007
... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Lillooet, British Columbia, Canada 2015-08-14 01:03:50 Wills/Probate Scam
| Unclaimed life insurance masterpiece fixed deposits of US 4.2 Million. gave a reference number for me to contact him, as deceased client has the same last name as mine - in the letter there are two email addresses to contact him josephwilliams@accountant.c... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in Canada 2015-08-14 00:04:28 Wills/Probate Scam
| Letter stating I was beneficiary to 4.5 million dollars Letter from someone using the name Mark Sullivan stating he was an accountant and I was beneficiary to 4.5 million dollars from a person I do not know (with the same surname as me).Of course he had all the details worked out and all I had to do was e-mail ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2015-08-13 22:23:55 Wills/Probate Scam
| Accountant Joe Williams Claims a Canadian Citizen who lived in the U.S. for last 2 decades has left $4.2 million to me. When queried, the details are so vague and ages not at all appropriate. No requirements to prove you are a true relative....specifically says "No DNA" test requ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2015-08-12 20:22:18 Wills/Probate Scam
| +1 6.8 million insurance from "relative" of same name Received in snail mail. Return address on envelope: P.O. Box 1000/C.P. 1000, Markham Ontario L3P 3N3. "Official Beneficiary Settlement Letter" Addressed to "Dear *******" (my last name, no other name or initial)
Many grammatical and spelling errors. Requ... ⇒ more |
| K. Wong Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2015-08-12 18:57:29 Wills/Probate Scam
| Urgent and personal letter ...I got ur contact information when going through an old file of one of my deceased client by the name Gordon Wong, a Canadian citizen, whose lived here in UK.....he died few years ago.
Our financial institution (insurance department) has issued me a not... ⇒ more |
| No Name Dundas, Ontario, Canada 2015-08-12 18:41:53 Wills/Probate Scam
| Untitled Wills/Probate Scam , ref:23844 I am benificiary of $6.8 million ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United Kingdom 2015-08-11 12:44:16 Wills/Probate Scam
| untitled letter signed by a Mr V Y Chui Scamster uses correct surname but wrong initials of addressee.
purports to be distributing monies from an unknown 'relative' of same surname (as addressee) and you (addressee) live in same country of origin as deceased. You could get 30% (him 50%!) of uns... ⇒ more |
| No Name Langley, British Columbia, Canada 2015-08-10 22:01:02 Wills/Probate Scam
| Untitled Wills/Probate Scam , ref:23823 Letter that I am the beneficiary of US$4.2 million.of an unclaimed life insurance of deceased client(Carl Colvin}... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2015-08-10 21:48:16 Wills/Probate Scam
| +1 unclaimed life insurance Business magnet John Clutton live in UK. Unclaimed 'masterpiece fixed deposit $4.5 million. Requests further contact information (name. mailing address, email, phone and fax). Letter is riddled with spelling mistakes and misinformation.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in Canada 2015-08-10 20:03:02 Wills/Probate Scam
| Beneficiary Settlement Needs to settle estate. No heirs found. Will make it possible for you to inherit estate of 4.5 Million GBP even if not related to deceased. No DNA test required or need to appear in person for claim. Keep letter private. If estate not settled all funds ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 2015-08-10 02:38:57 Wills/Probate Scam
| $18.35 million letter from Shanghai Commercial Bank Your contact details was taken form the Australian Public record registry., in the quest for a last name similar to that of a late customer from my bank, Mr Thomas Wilkes an oil Magnate the lived in Hong Kong for 9 years. BLAH BLAH a lump sum deposit of $1... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Richmond, British Columbia, Canada 2015-08-06 21:13:21 Wills/Probate Scam
| Beneficiary settlement Says he has deceased client with 4.2 million dollars and that I could be the beneficiary.
Checked his name on line and found this site... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 2015-08-05 03:59:43 Wills/Probate Scam Yahoo | Linked in Business group ... ⇒ more |
| No Name Cincinnati, OH, United States 2015-08-03 21:53:04 Wills/Probate Scam
| Email rom Herbert Smith (For Trustees) Managing Partner (Herbert Smith Chambers) London - United Kingdom.
Notification of Bequest
On behalf of Herbert Smith, Chambers, the Trustees and Executor of the estate of the late Schwarz Neumann; Once again, I try to ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada 2015-08-03 19:55:44 Wills/Probate Scam
| Beneficiary Settlement Letter dated July 20!2015. Postmarked Toronto.
Looking for James Robett XXXX for a piece of a £4.5m inheritance.
All BS. Address in London is 12/4 Leaden hall Street, a Regus office rental address.
From "Accountant Mark Sullivan".
... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 2015-08-03 14:45:08 Wills/Probate Scam
| Unclaimed life insurance scam Letter received by mail with return address 1450 Meyerside Drive, 7th Floor,Mississauga, ON. Letter was full of spelling and grammar errors. It said that a person with same last name had unclaimed life insurance and I had been tracked down in a database.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Fair Haven, NJ, United States 2015-07-31 17:37:52 Wills/Probate Scam
| +3 I received a text today 7/31/15 (Important claim in your name. pls email
was sent from ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada 2015-07-31 00:10:50 Wills/Probate Scam
| +12 Accountant Joe Williams Deceased client with same last name as mine,unclaimed life insurance US $4.2 Milion ,tracked his last name in a database...wants to use my name as the beneficiary to this unclaimed fund.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in Canada 2015-07-25 18:41:22 Wills/Probate Scam
| +6 Mailed beneficiary settlement Letter claimed I had similar last name to that of his client who died along with entire family, and he had an unclaimed life insurance of $4.5 million USD. Return address on envelope was for SUN LIFE in Toronto. Like other similar scams, numerous grammat... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2015-07-23 03:16:48 Wills/Probate Scam
| Life Insurance Claim for a supposed deceased relative with same last name Provided a Ref Number to an official Beneficiary Settlement Letter for a Life Insurance Claim. Requested that he be contacted so as to provide $6.8 Million USD to a beneficiary of a deceased Canadian citizen who lived in the UK. Asked for a full name & a... ⇒ more |