Scam Reporter | Scam Tips Received
| Anonymous Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-11-12 16:33:33 Wills/Probate Scam Yahoo | said they was going to leave me a lump of money ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-11-12 10:25:24 Wills/Probate Scam Yahoo | mrs Christine Robinson 72 yrs old widow Saying you are gonna inherit 12 million dollars if you contact her lawyer by email. His name is Gail Smith. Says she found your email on Christian website and she doesn't want her family to have her money because they are non believers. ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 2013-11-12 06:16:59 Wills/Probate Scam
| David Miller
I received this email:
Hello Catherine
I need to discuss with you about Merrick (same surname as mine) Please contact me.
Mr.David Miller ... ⇒ more |
| No Name Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2013-11-11 22:45:54 Wills/Probate Scam
| Untitled Wills/Probate Scam , ref:13811 Proposal - Hello Valeria I need to discuss with you about Merrick Conroy Please contact me.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-11-10 00:50:02 Wills/Probate Scam
| +1 The Barristers" Chambers: Clifford CHance lawfirm, The Barristers' Chambers:
Clifford Chance Lawfirm,
10 Upper Bank Street
United Kingdom
E14 5JJ
Tel: +44-702-409-7674
Fax: +44-709-298-7619
ATTN: Michael Elliott
How are you today?
However, I tried reaching you in receipt of ... ⇒ more |
| No Name Severn, MD, United States 2013-11-09 15:39:06 Wills/Probate Scam
| Untitled Wills/Probate Scam , ref:13747 Received text message stating to email regarding an inheritance in my name. Did not e-mail because it appeared to be a scam.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in Australia 2013-11-09 02:29:50 Wills/Probate Scam
| Mr David Miller I am delighted to hear from you, my name is: David Miller, the Group Secretary of Investec Bank UK. But please you must keep this communication as private as possible, due to the nature of my job here in the UK.
I have decided to contact you because Inves... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Szigetszentmiklos, Pest megye, Hungary 2013-11-08 19:05:32 Wills/Probate Scam
| Untitled Wills/Probate Scam , ref:13726 Letter in the post with Canadian Address but the for a Beglium Company, stamps are Romanian and the post office stamp in Bucurest.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Cleveland, OH, United States 2013-11-08 16:08:05 Wills/Probate Scam
| Larry Johnson (beneficiary Mariam Robinson)
Received in email November 8, 2013 @ 10:06am
Mariam Robinson beneficiary of her late husband is suffering with lung cancer for the past 5 years and bequeaths the sum of $10, 000, 000.00 in confidentiality. (Received under name of Larry Johnson.).... ⇒ more |
| Anita Quezada Cleveland, OH, United States 2013-11-08 16:04:38 Wills/Probate Scam
| Larry Johnson (beneficiary Mariam Robinson) Mariam Robinson beneficiary of her late husband is suffering with lung cancer for the past 5 years and bequeaths the sum of $10, 000, 000.00 in confidentiality. (Received under name of Larry Johnson.).... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Warner Robins, GA, United States 2013-11-07 16:35:09 Wills/Probate Scam Craigslist ( |  Beneficiary of Christine Robertson
Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to bcc: me
Attn; Beneficiary
3rd of November 2013
My name is Mrs. Christine Robinson, 72 yrs old widow. I got your contact information from a Christian website. I hav... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Woodstock, GA, United States 2013-11-07 16:08:10 Wills/Probate Scam
| Email Will Bequest inheritance Humanitarian work I received an initial email
Good day,
I am sending you this email on behalf of Mrs. Jenny Bishop
and in regards to her wish. She have decided to will her
inheritance to you for Humanitarian work and your personal
For more info contact her Attorney, ... ⇒ more |
| James Smythe Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa 2013-11-07 14:49:34 Wills/Probate Scam
| 2004 Cataclysm in Spain claimed the entire family of Mr.William Smythe Rafael A. Ramirez acts as the attorney of a Mr William Smythe who died with his entire family in the 2004 cataclysm. Since he could not locate any immediate family,he started searching internationally and then I received a letter via post soliciting assist... ⇒ more |
| rachel Towanda, PA, United States 2013-11-07 00:30:49 Wills/Probate Scam
| wedding invitation fake wedding invitation ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Phoenix, AZ, United States 2013-11-06 22:22:17 Wills/Probate Scam
| (no subject) Good day,
I am sending you this email on behalf of Mrs. Jenny Bishop
and in regards to her wish. She has decided to will her
inheritance to you for Humanitarian work and your personal
For more info contact her Attorney, Gilbert Rogers on
email addres... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Dallas, GA, United States 2013-11-06 20:24:26 Wills/Probate Scam Other Classifieds Site | 1,500,000,00Pounds My wife got this scam note. I think our use of job sites a number of months back got our emails listed as marks.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Gillian and Adrian Bayford
> Date: November 6, 2013 at 2:04:32 PM EST
> To: undisc... ⇒ more |
| No Name Virginia Beach, VA, United States 2013-11-06 19:02:50 Wills/Probate Scam Yahoo | roberta somethng ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Baltimore, MD, United States 2013-11-06 16:51:54 Wills/Probate Scam
| A text that reads (Pls Email ( for info regarding inheritance in your name) My We did not go to the email addresses because we were not expecting an inheritance and a text message does not seem like a logical way one would be informed of an inheritance.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Baltimore, MD, United States 2013-11-06 14:09:54 Wills/Probate Scam
| text message came in on my cell phone... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-11-06 11:20:58 Wills/Probate Scam
| Untitled Wills/Probate Scam , ref:13633 I got a text message saying I Have a inheritance, I don't think Please becareful!!!... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Austin, TX, United States 2013-11-06 05:06:37 Wills/Probate Scam
| Greenwoods Chambers Per Gail Smith, Attorney a Christine Robinson wants to give me 12 million dollars. Christine is dying of cancer an she picked my name at random to receive her money.
Wants personal information to transfer money.
... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-11-06 00:16:36 Wills/Probate Scam
| Untitled Wills/Probate Scam , ref:13629 A text on my cell phone from stating(email for inheritance info in ur name)... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-11-05 20:13:52 Wills/Probate Scam
| +1 Text Message from mercadeo& Scammer Information | Name: Name Unknown | Email Address:
| Scam Website:
| Fax:
text message came through asking me to email for inheritance in my name. I am not aware of any inheritance I would be receiving.
... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-11-05 16:24:10 Wills/Probate Scam
| +3 (Pls Email ( for info regarding inheritance in your name) Came in as a text message from, telling me to "(Pls Email ( for info regarding inheritance in your name)"
I didn't email this address, because I know of no inheritance in my name.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Detroit, MI, United States 2013-11-05 15:09:44 Wills/Probate Scam
| +1 email of someone leaving me money She has been diagnosed with cancer and is leaving me 10 million dollars. Contact her Attorney John Mayer.... ⇒ more |