Scam Tip Report #102235 - General Stephen Townsend impersonated

Scam ReporterScam Tips Received
Donna Jahr
Seattle, WA, United States
2023-09-16 19:51:32
Identity Theft
General Stephen Townsend impersonated 
Gen Stephen Townsend
Email Address: Also uses SPIKE
Scam Website:
Country of Scam:
United States (US)
On Facebook was asked to ‘friend’ him so I did. It was fun to talk with someone. I am an older woman widowed. It was just general day to day stuff .. he did ask about my family.. is there anyone who you see a lot.. do they drop by to see you.. After about a week it subtly changed . Soon it was he loved me.. on and on and on. I laughed at him said I knew he couldn’t be the General. He got angry and defensive.. how could I love him if I didn’t trust him. That’s pretty much we’re it still is. Says he’s coming home in a few weeks so we can ‘start our life together’. It seems like there is more than one writer. One is almost poetic.. the other more pushy. I’ve just let them talk to me.. and he/ they think I still believe he is General Townsend. I have read about how he has been targeted and all the money these unfortunate women have sent him. I have written 2 letters to the newspaper who wrote the article and talked to the police twice. And a few other peoples.. but nobody cares. I would like to stop them if possible ( yeah yeah.. I know..haha.. head in the clouds etc etc). Thanks for reading. Donna Jahr 4252698702. Washington state

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