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![]() ![]() | Anonymous Tucson, AZ, United States 2013-06-12 21:47:05 Lottery Scam | ![]()
Complement of the season from the Large Family to you, this is to acknowledge your message to me and this is 100% legitimate visit this web-page:, My wife and i decided to donate some part of our lottery winnings to some individuals as part of charity project to improve the lives of lots of individuals in their local area and along the line my wife was unable to fulfill her wish before her death in July 20th 11:00am in pain and heartbreak as am writing you this and i want my wife wish to come true no matter the case nor situation,for her soul too be at peace wherever she is and i believe she is resting with our lord God in heaven for her good deeds she did while she was still on this sinful world.Violet and i have decided to donate the sum of $2,000,000,000 USD to you.i prayed and searched over the Internet for someone to donate this money to in your country and i saw your profile on Google list of email owners and i picked you. as you could see from the web-page/video i am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no kids at this age. although we won this lottery funds July 2010 and we have helped some charity organizations, family members and friends from our winnings. Because my wife\'s illness the doctor informed us that she might not live long to see the end of the year, which took place few months after the doctors report and she finally departed this sinful world.i would like you to invest this money in a lucrative business to create more job opportunity to help jobless and needy people in your locality as we have already donated some part of our winnings to the local fire department, the red cross, Haiti, hospitals in Truro where Violet my late wife underwent her cancer treatment when she was still alive, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimer\'s and diabetes. we kept 2% of the entire lottery sum to our self for the raining days and which i am still spending... i have attached along with this email two pictures of me and my wife and a photo of my wife in hospital bed when she was undergoing treatment before she gave up the ghost. To facilitate the disbursement process of the funds ($2,000,000.00 USD) which have been donated solely to you, You are to send me your full names for payment and contact address (i asked for this brief information just to know who i am donating this money to and because of the Identity thief going around the world which i have been a victim i do not want to ask you for your ID as i do not want to leave an impression in your mind that i want to steal your identity). i am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there in your country. i will employ you to do what you can to alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the standard of living of as many people as you can because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place. In review of all what have explained i would like you to re-assure me that you will follow my instructions and help my late wife fulfill her dream before i can provide you with information on how you will receive this funds, i would like an understanding between me and you and if you feel you cannot handle this project you should inform me so i can quickly look for another individual to donate the money to. Note: You would have to open an account with my bank for security/record purpose for them to keep safe transaction with whom i am dealing with. If you have any question please don\'t fail to ask. i anticipate to read from you soon. God bless you, Allen and Violet Large. |