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Anonymous Hilo, HI, United States 2013-12-03 17:07:31 Job Scam Craigslist ( | David Jordan Job Offer Craigslist
Duties and Requirements: *Scheduling programmer\'s, flights and keeping me up-to-date with them. *Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities. *Processing weekly check payment. *Filing, Faxing, Creating and sending out letters, scanning documents, some personal assistant duties for owners, and many other *Managing expenses and invoices Basic wage is $600 Weekly. I\'m sure you\'ll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this point. Please note that this position is not office based for now because of my frequent travels and tight schedules, it\'s a part-time work from home for now and the flexibility means that there will be busier weeks than others. I would like to give you an immediate trial, so if you are interested kindly get back to me. As I have been checking my files and schedules and would need someone urgently to run some errands for me this week/next week, while I am away. I will have some funds sent to you to complete the errands and would get back to you with more information on that, get back to me with your Personal/Contact Details such as: FULL NAMES: ADDRESS# with apt#: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: HOME PHONE #: MOBILE PHONE#: EMAIL ADDRESS: Are you eligible to work in the United States? Yes ____ No_____ If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificate? Yes ___ No ___ How often do you check your email: ______________ Days/Hours Available: Hours Available: from _______ to ______ What date are you available to start work? ________________ If you\'re interested you can e-mail me back for more information about the job. Thanks in anticipation of your prompt response. Yours Sincerely, DAVID JORDAN |