Scam Tip Report #14694 - tried to over purchase my textbook

Scam ReporterScam Tips Received
Lafayette, CA, United States
2013-12-10 19:48:28
Overpayment Scam
+2 tried to over purchase my textbook 
Tim williams
Email Address:
Scam Website:
i was going to sell my text book on bookoo for 300 he emailed me this after i sent him the pictures of the condition of the book it didnt occor to me that he might be scamming me until i read on facebook the about the scams came to this site and saw that the email of the ocean chick had a few letters then 3 numbers two zeros then a normal number and i went on bookoo and read their how to spot a scam and this was word for word what they said a scam was:

Thanks you for the response according to the description i am okay with the price and the condition pasted on Bookoo. I am ready to make instant purchase.My mode of payment would be in CERTIFIED CHECK or Cashier Check and i will arrange for a local pick up as soon as you get the check, because that is the only convenient means for me and due to my work frame i can not be able to get there and i promise everything will go smoothly.I really wish to be there to check out the item but i don\'t have chance cause am very busy person . Concerning the pick up, i will arrange for it after you receive the payment and it clears...Please get back to me with below info so that i can proceed with the payment immediately if you are selling to me.

Full Name:
Address: Not P.O.BOX
Postal Code:
Total amount for the item
Phone Number: That i can send text

And as soon as this is provided, the payment will be overnight to you and i will let you know when its mailed out. Thanks and i hope we handle this in good faith while waiting to hear from you. i will add an additional $50 so that you can hold it for me till the check reach you.

Best Regards
Follow Ups/Extra Information. Most recent is listed first.
I received a text message stating they are interested in making an urgent purchase and to send recent pictures and final price of the furniture I was listing on bookoo to his email
The whole thing seems sketchy so I looked up the phone number on line and I found this site. Seems like a scam. I will delete the message from my phone.

No Name   (Little Elm, TX, United States) Added the following extra information on :2014-02-07 19:17:50
Email Address:
Scam Website:
Listed a table on bookoo. Got a text from this number saying they wanted to "make an urgent purchased." Kind of weird...sent an email as he requested, and this is the reply I got:
"Thanks you for the response according to the description i am okay with the price and the condition pasted on Bookoo. I am ready to make instant purchase.My mode of payment would be in CERTIFIED CHECK or Cashier Check and i will arrange for a local pick up as soon as you get the check, because that is the only convenient means for me and due to my work frame i can not be able to get there and i promise everything will go smoothly.I really wish to be there to check out the item but i don't have chance cause am very busy person . Concerning the pick up, i will arrange for it after you receive the payment and it clears...Please get back to me with below info so that i can proceed with the payment immediately if you are selling to me."
Searched for his email address and found a report on scamdex. I emailed him back saying, "Sorry--I got a better offer." [Of course, my "better offer" was that I realized in time that it's a scam!]

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2014-01-20 20:30:02
Tim Williams
Email Address:
Scam Website:

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