Scam Tip Report #17193 - UK Mobile Lottery 161013
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Phone number 18004859746
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Phone number 18004859746
Attribution: Xianning City Card Type: China Telecom CDMA2000 card (3G)
18004859746 for more information
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2014-03-21 23:59:28 |
Scammer Information | Name: Name Unknown | Email Address:
| Scam Website:
| Fax:
Phone number 18004859746 Apparently, this phone is also shared by Chatr (my provider) and a Chinese Company (whose identity I don't know nor recognize.
Attribution: Xianning City Card Type: China Telecom CDMA2000 card (3G)
The above is the same person who sent me the text message I reported this afternoon. I got this number on my cellphone making it look like as if I called them, which I did not. Stop this scam a.s.a.p. before many people get ruined. The email address I responded to which, which must have generated a call (I have not made or heard of to this address is: and the number showing on the header of the original text is: +44 7507 745776). Note that I was able to retrieve this info after translating it on Google from Chinese to English.
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2014-03-21 23:57:05 |
Scammer Information | Name: Name Unknown | Email Address:
| Scam Website:
| Fax:
I received a similar message on mobile phone announcing that I won $2.5 million and advising me to contact the above email address. I texted back to the sender but decided not to email him after I found out that it might be a scam.
| Melaku (Somewhere in Canada) Added the following extra information on :2014-03-21 18:12:47 |
Text message on New Zealand mobile phone..Mobile number picked, get in contact with Mr Phillip Edgar of Parcel Express Couriers and quote the winning Lottery number #161013 to verify your 2500,000.00 pound prize and then he emails you a form to fill in that you will then have to pay either 500 to 700 pounds to get your winning parcel internationally couriered to you !!
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2014-03-10 09:50:53 |