| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2014-04-09 15:15:43 Rental Scam Craigslist (craiglist.com) |  Kathleen Hart, Stamford, CT Rental Scam and Deposit & Rent Scam Kathleen Hart, a Stamford resident puts an ad on craigslist for a room for rent for people who are obviously in dire straits for a place to live. If you go to jud2.ct.gov/Small_Claims/sc_SearchParty.asp you can search for her name and she has 7 pending or closed cases. She threatened to turn off my electricity (I have email proof) and not knowing the laws, I reluctantly signed a contract with her that I would leave in order to get my security deposit back and in an earlier email, she said she had a renter and I would also receive my second month of rent. (Which was paid consecutively; which is illegal in the state of CT) The thought of living with her made me sick and she informed me that I would be on probation and risk losing all my money. She charged me for two month’s rent consecutively (which is illegal in the state of CT & I have checks to prove it) and a security deposit of $1000 (also have check). The furnished room she has is a loft with no door and a blow up mattress. She went into my room without permission (which she documented in her own emails) and she did not provide me with a key (because she says it’s a key that has to be specially ordered) and she will yell and freak out and made me very uncomfortable. She also said I was not allowed to use the bathroom after 9 pm. I feel that she makes her living off of stealing people’s money. (My opinion on how she makes a living, this is not a fact but her history with small claims court kind of supports this.) She lures them in to the rental then makes it impossible to live there and then signs off that there are no damages and that the security deposit will be returned within a month. I lived there for less than two weeks and paid her $3000 dollars. She posts her ads on craigslist under room for rent. I just don’t know how this is legal and she is not arrested. She threatened my with defamation of character, when in fact, I\'m stating my opinions and facts; all of which I have documented. She claimed in her latest email to me that I didn\'t take the deposit from her because I wanted to collect interest. This is completely funny to me because I have letter after letter stating she sent it, she cancelled it, I would meet her lawyer for it. The reason I\'m going out of my way to publish this is the simple fact the I believe nobody should be scammed in this way. The only reason a person would be renting a room from a stranger is if they had no other choice. I believe she takes advantage of this and should be stopped. So be warned!!!
Please do a story on this crazy woman. I can provide letters, text messages and documents supporting the story. I also spoke to one of the attorneys for another victim and they as well said the same exact story and opinion of her. Everyone should know about this woman and be aware of what she does.