Scam Tip Report #18613 - Google Gmil lottery incorperation
Follow Ups/Extra Information. Most recent is listed first.
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2014-10-07 20:43:31 |
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Attached is a pdf file that states: This is to inform you that your Email address has won Prize Amount of ($500,000.00 USD) for being one of our active Web-Email user this Year. This Lottery promotion was organized by Google Gmail, YAHOO!Mail, Rediffmail & Windows Live Lottery INC. A cheque of $500,000.00 USD has been issued against your Winning Email and has been forwarded to Mr. Gray Paulson Company for delivery to your Country of residence.
Candidates are to E-mail resumes and details of experience to:-
1. Full Name:....
2. Contact Address:...
3. Age: ....
4. Telephone Number:...
5. Sex:...
6. Occupation:....
7. State: ....
8. Country:....
9. Nationality:...
10. Marital Status: ....
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Thank you and accept my hearty congratulations once again!