| Anonymous Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada 2014-05-12 17:33:09 Classified Ads Scam Kijiji.com |  Take the money ,don't deliver the merchandise,fake holding company Merchandise was listed on kijiji ,when the seller was contacted through e-mail (dr.sl01649) it was conveyed that the merchandise would be sold using easyyardsale.com. After price and conditions were settled the money was sent to easyyard sale ,via wire transfer,they varified receiving the transfer and said the shipping process was started ,and the merchandise would arrive at the time and date specified(in 4 days@6pm) the delivery person would call a few hours before delivery to confirm arrival time. That would be the last communication received from easyyardsale.com The last time I checked the online chat service for easyyardsale did not get any response,the same goes for the answering service,their toll free line to the uk was an American woman\'s answering machine. All that I can say is live and learn, and those responsible,what goes around comes around. PLEASE PUBLICIZE THIS SCAM SO OTHERS DO NOT GET TAKEN. Perhaps some bored hacker or computer wiz would take an interest in easyyardsale and do unto them as they have done to others |