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![]() ![]() | Anonymous Somewhere in New Zealand 2014-05-17 12:43:22 Charity scam Other Payment Site | ![]()
I have received your mail and I show my appreciation for the fact that you have given heed to the entreaty of a dying Family. Only God knows why He has chosen you for this Mission of reaching out to the poor and needy. When I find out the damage this cancer has done to my body, the need to affect the lives of those in need became very paramount. This appears to be a case of mercy after death as I no longer have the strength to do those things I used to do when I was still very full of life. Beloved, in my resolve to actualize my dying wish, I have decided to let go everything that I have especially now that my health has become a sorry tale. I now live at the mercy of various drugs and operations which certainly can\'t remedy anything. My close Family members are however not happy with the way I have disbursed everything I have to Motherless Children and the poor. They held for themselves the funds I made available to them and went as far as even trying to terminate my life. All relationship with me has been severed and they are of the opinion that the last of my fortune has been spent but incidentally, the sum of US$ 9.8 Million deposit in an offshore account. This is the last I have and I wish to use these funds to set up a Charity Foundation in your location, as you create jobs, Homes, Feed the hungry, clothe the naked. E.T.C. Father God, Thank You for filling me with the knowledge of Your will. By the wisdom and spiritual understanding You have given me, I have Your direction in any circumstance. Beloved, before we will be able to proceed further, it would be required of you to send me the following information so that I will be able to send an official letter to the Bank to inform them that I have named you the Beneficiary of my Funds and that you will be contacting them for the claims. Your Full Name: Your Contact Address: Your Cell Number: Your Telephone: Your Age: Your Sex: Due to my present predicament, my Attorney will help me process a Letter of Authority and a Power of Attorney naming you the Beneficiary of my funds. These Legal Documents that will be issued with your information will also help to facilitate your claims of my Funds from the Bank. My Legal Attorney will be in contact with you as he furnish you details regarding my health and the transaction. Beloved, I beg of you to deal with me honestly and render me your assistance to the fullest of your capacity. You would be helping a dying Family and most importantly you would be touching the lives of a huge number of people through this Mission. I hope that I will be able to count on you while I wait patiently for the time to come as my bones are slowly cleaving into my skin. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible. In God\'s Arms, Mrs. Martha Hamilton. Martha Hamilton 15 May (3 days ago) to me Beloved Taualo Penivao Thank you for your response to my email with your contact details. I have sent an official letter to the Bank and I have also instructed my Attorney to commence the process of issuing the legal documents naming you the Beneficiary of my Funds. Beloved, I want you to have one thing at the back of your mind and that is there is no way I can use the name of God to lie to you just because I want to impress you for my own evil benefits. The Bible said that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. As you have rightly stated on your email, it is such a terrible thing that people of this age has turned against the will of God and inflating pains on innocent individuals. It is written that what shall it profit a man to gain the whole and the loose his/her soul and it is written also that what so ever a man sowth, that he shall reap. Please find below the contact details of the Bank. Upon your receipt of this email correspondence, do go ahead and establish contact with them and kindly inform them to know that I have named you the Beneficiary of my Funds that is in their custody. You are to contact the Bank and request them to advise you of the procedures that you will be required to fulfill in order to lay claims on my Funds as my Beneficiary. Trans-Credit Bank Plc. ( Private Banking) Contact Person: Mr. Scott Shallo (Executive Director, Foreign Remittance Department) Tel: 011-27-127-706-817 Fax: 011-27-862-722-400 Email: South Africa. Beloved, I have whole heartedly committed this mission into the hands of God and I know that He will never let us down. All I need from you is to successfully receive my Funds from the Bank and please ensure that 70% of the total funds are used to set up a Charity Foundation in memory of my late Husband. The other 30% of the funds you are to withhold to yourself as a little compensation from me for your efforts and immense contributions in making this Mission a success. Beloved, always pray and meditate in His words. God Almighty knows it all and we can do all things through Him that strengthen us. Ensure to contact the Bank as soon as you are in receipt of this email and please keep me informed. Till I read from you again, remain in God\'s blessings. I will advise you keep this mission confidential to yourself until you receive the funds to start the project. The Bible stated that we should be clever like the Dove and Wise like the serpent. In His Arms, Mrs. Martha Hamilton. Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 11:14:50 +1200 Subject: Re: Martha Hamilton From: To: Trans Credit Bank South Africa 15 May (3 days ago) to me Attn: Taualo Penivao, In regards to your email with the claim of Mrs. Martha Hamilton\'s Funds as her sole beneficiary. Do provide the below listed details to finalize your claim. 1. Full Name. 2. Contact Address. 3. Phone/ Fax Number. 4. A copy of your Photo Identification (A scan of Drivers License or International Passport or any other relevant Documents will be accepted). WITHOUT AN ID IDENTIFICATION WE CANT PROCEED WITH THE CLAIM. 5. Legal Documentation from Mrs. Martha Hamilton making you her beneficiary ( CONTACT MRS MARTHA HAMILTON FOR DOCUMENT) OPTIONS OF CLAIM. 1. In person as you make your travelling plans to our office to sign for the release of the funds. 2. Have the account of Mrs. Martha Hamilton changed to your name and transfer directly from the account to your Local Account in your Country. Update the office which option is suitable for you. As we furnish you details for the claim. You will be given the best of our services as we hold our customer\'s in high esteem. Once Again, Thanks for contacting the Trans-Credit Bank Plc. We will appreciate your prompt response to this mail. Best Regards. Mr. Scott. Shallo Trans-Credit Bank Plc. South Africa. Tel: +27-127-706-817 Fax: +27-862-722-400 Martha Hamilton 16 May (2 days ago) to me Thanks for the response. I have furnish my legal Attorney your details for the issue of the claim documentation from the High Court of Justice. Do go ahead and contact the bank and apply for claim as I have already sent them a notification about you as my legal beneficiary. I will wait in prayers for your response. God Bless. Mrs. Martha Hamilton. Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 09:55:48 +1200 Subject: Request for Funding claim From: To: CC: Trans Credit Bank South Africa 16 May (2 days ago) to me Attn: Taualo Penivao, In receipt of the claim document, Details verified. The account from Mrs. Martha Hamilton has been changed to your name and attached is a statement of the account on your name. The Transfer of your funds will not be effective pending the activation of your account. You are required to activate your account to enable the full transfer of your funds. The activation fee has been calculated to the sum of US$ 2,422 As soon as the fee is received we shall proceed with the transfer of your funds into your Local account. We shall furnish you details of payment as soon as we receive response from you to proceed with transfer and activation process. Attached to this email is copy of your Customer Account Summary. We await payment details to finalize the transfer of the funds (US$9.8M) into your local bank account in your country. [Image] Taualo Penivao 16 May (2 days ago) to Trans Hi Scott, This is the main event I expected to arrive, indicating a fraud beneficiary, as numerous cases occurred. It is so sad to hear people are stealing from others, instead they should work hard to assist poor and unwise decision makers. I am begging you, please, avoid such sinful practices for they do not help you success. Find some other appropriate paths to improve your life and finance, BUT NOT THROUGH STEALING. Hope the Almighty might transform you and your team as good vessels in the future. Sorry and apologize for the change in tone. Trans Credit Bank South Africa 21:24 (3 hours ago) to me Attn: Taualo Penivao, You dont need to be sorry, we receive such message everyday due to fraud going around. We advise you contact Mrs. Martha Hamilton and let her know about your decision. Good Day. |