| Anonymous Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2015-01-12 08:45:46 Overpayment Scam Gumtree |  selling car on gumtree I sold a car to a person on gumtree who asked for a paypal request for 950 dollers , the request was sent , then the person said they contacted paypal and added another 650 dollers for delivery, the full amount would be payable through paypal after i sent the extra money by western union, i did this and another request for 850 was demandeed , again the person said they have added the ampount to the paypal request , payable wen the amount was sent via western union.wen a 3rd amount was demanded for 550 , I contacted paypal and am wating for a desision , Im SURE THIS IS A SCAM , THE REQUEST RAISES WERE SENT VIA EMAIL AND LOOKED LIKE LAGITMATE PAYPAL DOCUMENTS. |