Scam Tip Report #23898 - Pedro Quezada Foundation
Scam Reporter | Scam Tips Received
| Anonymous Newark, DE, United States 2015-08-17 23:09:54 Identity Theft Yahoo | +1 Pedro Quezada Foundation States that I was one of the recipients of $800,000 donation from the foundation, this is an ongoing charity donation program. It even had a pin number for me in the email which I will not list, just in case this not a scam, wishful thinking. Confirm it is a scam. |
Follow Ups/Extra Information. Most recent is listed first.
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2015-08-18 15:57:08 |
Scam EmailPedro Quezaada
[Dit bericht boven aan het Postvak IN laten staan]
Aan: harrie van kammen
Dear Harrie van Kammen,
Thank You for contacting through my listed and secure email address to very the authenticity of the notification sent to you by Jon Kroschel . I want to by this response confirm it to you that its not a scam as you have been selected to receive the said donation from my foundation in our ongoing charity donation program.
For security reason, all communication pertaining to this should be channeled through my secure email address:
To enable me issue payment instruction to my bank, you should reconfirm your following details to me:
1. Full legal names.
2. Address.
3. Telephone number.
4. Scanned copy of your valid and legal means of identification
Thank you and congratulations.
Pedro Quezada.
Enviado desde mi iPhone