Scam Tip Report #24858 - Dear beloved via LinkedIn - donation of lottery win funds

Scam ReporterScam Tips Received
Moscow, Moscow, Russia
2015-09-30 02:50:18
Lottery Scam
+2 Dear beloved via LinkedIn - donation of lottery win funds 
Tom Rea
Email Address:
Scam Website:
On 29 September 2015 г., at 20:22, TOM REA wrote:

Tom And Cathy Rea Foundation
3202 Lafayette Ave, Saint Louis, MO 63104
United States.

Hello XXXX ,

This mail is to officially inform you about the authenticity/legitimacy of this award and also bring to your notice once again that it was your Profile through the Linkedin Social Network that emerged you a lucky beneficiary of Seven Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pound Sterlings {750,000.00 GBP} in the on going Tom And Cathy Rea Foundation World Wide Grants .Your winning verification process is completed and your winning funds is approved for remittance.You are now entitled to your full grant of 750,000.00 GBP cash which by now has been encoded in a bank transfer code.

Kindly allow me to inform you that just last week alone, I discovered a huge number of double claims due to beneficiary's informing close friends relatives, attorneys and third parties about their donations. As a result, these close friends, relatives, attorneys and third parties tried to claim the donation sum on behalf of the real recipients thereby causing problems for the payout bank. Please be informed that any double claim discovered in the disbursement process, will certainly result to the cancellation of that particular donation, making a loss for both the double claimer and the real beneficiary, as it is taken that the real recipient was the informer to the double claimer about the donation. So you are hereby advised to keep your information strictly confidential until your claim has been fully recovered.

For the transfer of your funds, you are hereby advice to contact the Bank with details below.

Name of bank ==: SWEDBANK
Office address ==: Brunkebergstrog 8 Norrmalm, Stockholm.
Name of department ==: Online Transfer Department.
Transfer officer in charge ==: Mr Michael Martin
Contact number == Tel: +46 8 446 855 85
Contact E-mail==:

After the bank must have opened up a new on-line bank account for you, you will then be able to login and transfer your money from your online bank account to your local bank account there in your country. Congratulations and do not fail to update me with further correspondence with you and the bank so i can give feedbacks to my Foundation board of directors.

Note:You may likely receive more winning notification mails due to late delivery message from our other department.Please do disregard and delete the message.Thank you and congratulations once again.

God bless you
Tom Rea

On 29 September 2015 г., at 12:15, TOM REA wrote:

Tom And Cathy Rea Foundation
3202 Lafayette Ave, Saint Louis, MO 63104
United States.

Hello xxxxx

We are most grateful for your email and I use this as a medium to say thank you for writing Back. This is a lifetime opportunity and 100% legitimate. My name is Tom Rea, i decided to make sure the winning of ours is put on the internet for the world to see. This was a gift from God to me and my entire family. We may not know you, but since you were chosen by God to receive this cash donation of ( 750,000.00 GBP ), you must be a God fearing individual. I do believe that good things happen to those who wait upon the lord. At first when i checked my ticket at the gas station, I did not believe, thinking it was just a mere joke until the cheque of ($ 70,000,000.00 million USD ) was given to us willingly as won. The main reason why we decided to share part of this fund among other individuals who are in need is according to the bible that teaches about given as part of Godliness and also with the prophecy we received from God Almighty. I bought e new house and i have taken care the needs of our immediate family members & friends, Hospitals & Charity Organizations in Africa, Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes.

We also do believe in the part of the Bible that says ask and you shall receive and consistently I have always asked for a miracle from God. I am hoping that you will definitely be able to use this fund wisely and judiciously on projects that will last you for a long time. To facilitate the disbursement process of the funds and all the legal documents that will be signed and entitle to you, the below details will be needed;

4. SEX & AGE:

Kindly write us about your view & plans on spending this fund that has been solely given to you.

May the good Lord bless your heart to be a blessing to your family & friends. Congratulations once again.

God bless you
Tom Rea
Follow Ups/Extra Information. Most recent is listed first.
Orencia Barzey Foundation 3560 NW 14th Ct Lauderhill, FL 33311 USA.
Hello xxx,
I am most grateful for your email and I use this as a medium to say thank you for writing Back. This is a lifetime opportunity and 100% legitimate. My name is Orencia Barzey, i decided to make sure my winning is put on the internet for the world to see. This was a gift from God to me and my entire family. I may not know you, but since you were chosen by God to receive this cash donation of ( 550,000.00 USD ), you must be a God fearing individual. I do believe that good things happen to those who wait upon the lord. At first when I checked the lottery's website and the numbers on my ticket matched what was on the screen i was shocked and could not believe that i had won, thinking it was just a mere joke until the cheque of ( $49,566,294.00 million USD ) was given to me willingly as won. The main reason why i decided to share part of this fund among other individuals who are in need is according to the bible that teaches about given as part of Godliness and also with the prophecy i received from God Almighty. I bought a new house and i have taken care the needs of my immediate family members & friends, Hospitals & Charity Organizations in Africa, Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes.
I also do believe in the part of the Bible that says ask and you shall receive and consistently I have always asked for a miracle from God. I am hoping that you will definitely be able to use this fund wisely and judiciously no matter how little it is on projects that will last you for a long time. To facilitate the disbursement process of the funds and all the legal documents that will be signed and entitle to you, the below details will be needed;
Kindly write me about your view & plans on spending this fund that has been solely given to you.
May the good Lord bless your heart to be a blessing to your family & friends. Congratulations once again.
God bless you Orencia Barzey

Scam Email
Contact request message in LinkedIn

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2015-11-06 08:59:59
Orencia Barzey
Email Address:
Scam Website:

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2015-10-03 18:24:11
Tom Rea
Email Address:
Scam Website:

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