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![]() ![]() | Raven Greenwood Dallas, TX, United States 2016-04-19 19:11:12 Job Scam Other Job Site | ![]()
Bill payment. Mail services. Shop for Gifts. Pick up delivery (at your home). As regards bill payments and package sending you will not be required to pay out of pocket as benefactor you will receive Check payments that will cover for work and your payments. The shopping will be for Household and gift and, the gift list and their preferred tastes will be given. Let me know if you understood the tasks and ready to carry out above listed services. I would love to meet with you sometime later because it is impossible at this moment considering I am currently away on business in Australia and not due to be back immediately so there will be no interview for the Position, However I'll require you to forward me a copy of your resume and a written recommendations from two references via E-MAIL in attachments for further review at this stage of hiring process. Soon as am done hiring I will prepay you in advance to do my shopping also, I will have my Mails and Packages forwarded to your address if it won't inconvenient your living arrangements. Please know that you don't need to live in the same city as me to become my Assistant you can absolutely work from your city and still fulfilled all tasks at your location.So for mail and delivery option if you preferred I can always schedule for you to pick up Packages & delivery from a post office nearest to your location so it doesn't have to come to your home directly. Again following will be your responsibilities; 1. Handle bills payment on my behalf. 2. Pick up my items at your nearby post office at your convenience. The packages are Art Materials, Paintings,clothing's, business and personal letters.I OFFER PAY of $230.10 weekly CONSIDERING THE HOURS YOU WILL WORK WEEKLY. This position will be for a period of 6 weeks for now and i will be needing your service more frequently in future because i am constantly out of town. I will be back to States in May so in meantime you will commence your duty until my return. On my return we'll schedule meetings so as to put name to face let me know if you are able to handle the position. I hope to hear from you soon i shall send you directives on each task I need done on my behalf as well as the funds to cover them. If this is a fit for you & willing to proceed do get back to me with the requested information below for further review at this stage of hiring process. F u l l N a m e: F u l l A d d r e s s: C i t y: S t a t e: Z i p C o d e: H. P h o n e: C. P h o n e: Age & O c c u p a t i o n: E m a i l: Your advance pay check and information on what need to be done will be mail according to the info provided. V/R Ashley Chorak Sin. A LITTLE ABOUT MYSELF: I was Born. Dec 22rd, 1965 in Memphis, TN I worked with my my Step-Brother Matthew Sherman (Co-Founder) to Established a Biotechnological company formerly known as Agricsoft Farm and Food Processing Company which focuses on Food Technology before we splits our Resources Six years ago , so now I established a new company with same vision in partnership with my husband but we majorly focused on research on new breed of FOOD products and its sciences. This is an idea that would produce a suite of software for farming, fruit and vegetable processing, and food manufacturing; with a concentration on fruit, vegetable, hop, and viticulture & enology industries. EcoSoft was developed, maintained, and supported by Tenacious Systems and select international partners. Also I've worked for several decades in closed ecological system research, ecological engineering, the restoration of damaged ecosystems, desert agriculture and orchard and wastewater recycling. I am in the process of establishing one of the world Biggest Agritechnics Institute in the world in conjunction with partner company across continents. It will be a non-profit organization and will consults and proffer solutions to problems of bio mes around the world; I currently hold position on Board of Wastewater Gardens International. I have helped pioneer a new ecological approach to sewage treatment, “Wastewater Gardens®†which are constructed subsurface flow wetlands with high biodiversity and has created over 90 such systems across in Poland, Mexico, Belize, Bali & Sulawesi, Indonesia, West Australia, France, Spain, Portugal,the Bahamas, the Philippines, Algeria and the United States since 1992. My educational background includes a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Sciences from Yale University. my dissertation involved the creation of experimental Wastewater Gardens® for protection of groundwater quality and coral reef health along the coast of Yucatan, Mexico. my M.Sc. was in the School of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Southern California; and B.A. in Philosophy/Pre-Med Sciences was from the College of William & Mary. I have 3 kids and happily married |