Scam Tip Report #66020 - Con man and Scamster

Scam ReporterScam Tips Received
Jenn Garden
Torrance, CA, United States
2016-09-18 22:37:37
Charity scam
Craigslist (
Con man and Scamster 
Jeffery Michael aka Hoss Johnson
Email Address:
Scam Website:
The Cheater: Jeffery Johnson aka Hoss Johnson Jeffery Johnson.
The Comment: I would like to warn others about a man whose name IS Jeffery Johnson. I believe his birthday IS also real July 22, 1989, and that he WAS born in or near Monroe, LA., everything else about him, is fake, he is a con man par extraordinaire, the opposite of the sophisticated, suave person you'd expect to be a con man. He's 6'2" and at the time I knew him in Feb. 2016, he was an extremely obese 290 lbs. although he said he has lost weight. He puts ads on Craigslist saying that he will exchange services (the thing that most people want is that he can fix cars) for a place to stay. He acts like a good ol' Southern bo,y respectful of his elders and he seems to look hard for a job. There are too many things to tell what happened, so I'll give a shortened version, but he ended up taking me for 6K AFTER he left.

He got my trust because after he stayed with me two days, he was detained by the police (he said because he had no i.d. and was a white guy in a poor black neighborhood where he went to get food stamps) and they released him after two days, so I thought that was because he was clean and had no criminal record (and nothing came up with google which is why I'm posting this.) He also received a check from his insurance company during his stay with me, which he IMMEDIATELY gave to me to pay his debts (he could not open a checking account with no i.d.) and after I subtracted what he owed me, I gave him cash back (two weeks later, the check was returned, supposedly not because it was bad but because this was not a joint account which he may have known but he already left) but that made me believe in his honesty, so when he left shortly after to work for Halliburton and claimed he couldn't cash all his per diem and paychecks, I kept lending him money for his rent, food, equipment he needed, until he could get his birth certificate to get his government i.d. so he could cash his checks and pay me back. At the very end, he said he could get fingerprinted at the police station and send that in to get a birth certificate without a picture i.d. (it's a vicious circle because you need a picture i.d to GET a birth certificate,) of course I sent him the money for that and he was going to PA where being promoted to foreman, he would get a company credit card and not have to use per diem checks, after that I heard hide nor hair from him. I only found out that he was a scam artist, when the last family he scammed, took back the phone they gave him, (I had brought him three, kept breaking them) and answered the phone and told me what happened to them. Yes, I am too trusting, what makes it worse, when a friend thought he was scamming me, I defended him, and the friend told him to send pics of paychecks, he sent me pics, but we didn't blow them up, it could have been paper bags, they were brown. He had known that others had cheated me, so I thought he would not as he seemed so nice, but of course, all that happened was that it was a signal for him to exploit me. I kiddingly asked if he was conning me (stupid, stupid question) and of course, he said no, like an idiot I believed him.

I am a woman in my sixties who unable to get a job probably due to my age, am living on just my savings and social security check (I don't even have a car so I think that's why he left in two weeks) so 6K seems a lot, but after hearing what happened to to the other victim and her family, I can't feel too sorry for myself. He first worked for their boss and he lived in that house, then he moved to their house in Sth Carolina for four months, never paying rent, eating their food, running up their phone bills (they, too bought a phone as supposedly HIS phone was broken) and put him on their phone plan, did nothing to help around the house, ruined the three running cars he was supposed to fix in lieu of paying rent so they don't run anymore, and the worst thing was that he made them lose their business, they were subcontractors and lost their contracts when they had him work for them, because of his dishonesty. The wife is worried if she can get her son who gets sick often, to the hospital and whether they can support their four children.

They told me that he files false police reports that he was attacked so people would feel sorry for him and help him, buy him things and so he has an excuse for no i.d. which he uses as an excuse to borrow money since he can't cash his checks. The birth certificate never came and he told them the same. He told me that he had a Washington State Driver's license, and stupid me, when I called them and they said he never had a driver's license, thought THEY just were disorganized. He told me that he was mugged in Long Beach, near where I lived, and at that time, I wanted him to leave, as I was always worried something would happen to him (he seemed a harbinger of bad luck, my bike broke the first time he rode it.) He said his has three ASE mechanic certificates which according to them from what he did to their cars is untrue and he told me he went to the Culinary Arts Institute, which based on his cooking, I think was DEFINITELY not true.

As a con man, it would be hard to get him arrested, if you can even get the police to file a report, which they don't like to do, if they can't convict a person, the con man make sure to get your trust, so you don't demand paperwork. The family found a woman he said was his wife killed by a drunk driver as well as his son, on Facebook, and her first reaction when the family's wife who took him in called her, was "what did he do now?" She told them that he was run out of where he grew up because of this cheating but unfortunately no one knew how to post anything online so this wouldn't have happened to us. She told me that he was hospitalized for this behavior but continues to behave this way when he's released.

I don't know if he IS always getting mugged or by cheating others, he has all this bad karma but stay away from him and do NOT help him in ANY way-I say call the police, but again, although he cheats and this way steals from people, he doesn't use a weapon just lies so it may not be considered a crime. Personally, I wish someone would beat him up (will post a pic of him later) for all the people he cheated, but the wife of the family feels sorry for him, someday she says, he will cheat the wrong person and he will get what he deserves. I hope if nobody helps him, he resorts to shoplifting or burglary so he CAN be arrested for the thief he is. The sorry thing, is that if he hadn't done something like this, he'd have a friend in CA. who WOULD have helped him until he got on his feet, all he has now are enemies that he lives in his wake and no friends. Do NOT help ANY person with NO ID, they can go to the police for help, He had a bristly beard, but in order for him to get a food service job, I paid for a nice shave and haircut for him. Anyone who encounters someone like this, stay AWAY (if you don't want to beat the crap out of this crook-just kidding-NOT!)

There has been a police report filed on him in Torrance #160049568, as well as with other companies which for right now for investigative purposes shall remain nameless, their number is (310) 328-3456, if you want to help in an way. For info on pictures of him, his birithdate and other pertinent info on him, below I have how to connect to a website that will have all that.

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