| Anonymous Navarre, FL, United States 2017-03-15 07:42:56 Classified Ads Scam Craigslist (craiglist.com) |  Craigslist 4 sale 2011 Ninja 250R $1000. 2011 Ninja 250r for sale on craigslist. This bike is for sale on craigslist from Florida to Texas. Same BS post about dead husband, moving, etc.. So far she (if it really is a she) has used the name Abigale Young abb66young@gmail.com and latest is Kathryn Lane lanekathryn74@gmail.com. These are all the different #s I've found so far and are either text free app #'s or Google voice. 276-321-0713, 763-260-7848, 201-742-9483, 407-801-9139, 205-538-3924. This bike was also for sale on Ebay about 8 months ago! I've enjoyed emailing this person that last few days and I've asked and told her in every email shipping WOULD NOT be necessary that I would be MORE than happy to "save her the cost" and pick up the bike, just need the address where it's "sitting" waiting and ready to go? The only response I get is about how to pay her on the fake Google Wallet account. It is worded slightly different each time but come on scammer, can't you figure out I'm not buying, lol! Just saw she has relisted the bike again and has added " If the bike is still listed, yes,I still have it. Scammer, you need to step up your game. I suggest changing your story and finding a new "picture" of whatever to "sale"!! FYI- my neighbor works for the FBI. and the address where to ship you insisted on is the local FBI office where they work, DUMBASS!! I gave All the fake numbers, names, e-mail addresses- IP addresses,ebay account, facebook accounts, etc. Asshole!! You were smart enough to black out the plate on the bike in your photos, if you decide to scam again after jail, remember the plates on the cars. "Evil Eve" how cute!! It's amazing how much information is considered public record. marriage, divorce, dob, arrest, citizenship,names, addresses, vehicles, property. etc. Good luck trying to scam your way in prison. If you ever think it's sounds to good to be true, it probably is. |