Scam Tip Report #85771 - ...New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project

Scam ReporterScam Tips Received
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
2017-03-15 22:13:34
Social Network Scam
Paypal (
+8 ...New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project   
Rebecca Mayo and Katherine Ann Weir
Email Address:
Rebecca Mayo
Scam Website:
Country of Scam:
New Zealand (NZ)
Someone sees your comment on the Tauranga Rental Properties & Flatmates page and msgs you via FB saying their friend is keen to rent the room you have available and yet the person msging you has no FB profile picture and only one friend (alarm bells). You msg "Katherine Ann Weir" back and ask for this friends full name. You email "Rebecca Mayo" at telling her about the room you have available (alarm bells again) and this is the reply:

Thanks for responding to my request, I am 36 year old non smoker lady . i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project and i have limited time to surf the internet and also phone calls is also strictly limited due to nature of my work. I will like you to make the arrangement for the total cost covering the available dates rent together with bond from the date the house will get to be available. I will also like you to get back to me with your apartment address for me to forward it to my luggages mover to calculate the total cost of moving my little stuffs from USA also send more pictures to me and state the present condition of the property. I will be waiting to read back from you.

(you are still a bit suspect but email her back again with a rental agreement and pictures of property requesting more of her details and that she sign the form before you will provide your bank details for rent/bond)
This is the next email:
Thanks for the response has you ve know i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project and this made my schedule so busy and this is one of the reason i wont be able to come over to view and total cost for 3month rent i hope i can trust you with any fund send to you?
Kindly get back with the rental agreement and your pay-pal details or your bank details.. i can also make payment from my pay-pal to your bank account and exact amount you are expecting me to pay so i could proceed with the payment

to get a paypal is easy to setup and use you can set one up with 4minute at and send me your paypal email,and full name only

i will want you to accept that is been rented to me so kindly remove the posting Thanks Rebecca
ALARM BELLS RINGING... The "New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project " thing was cut and pasted from previous email so I checked into the NZOG and was lead straight to this page - thank goodness!
These scamming assholes make me so mad-----its the old story "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't" ----my email reply was: Hi Rebecca or whoever you are?

This is a scam and I will passing on your email address to the NZ Police. You have also been emailing a NZ Government address and I will also be passing on your information to our investigators to follow up.
(hope this puts the shits up them) but I doubt it.
Follow Ups/Extra Information. Most recent is listed first.
Replied to my property for rent ad on
I went further and I was sent a photo passport. But the birthday is 1980 which makes her 38 now(2018), she said she was 36 in the copy and paste email. The photo is not a normal passport photo, there's a bright light in the background on one side and her head is tilted sideways. I was always told to face directly into the camera when taking a passport photo and to have a plain background.
CLS Offshare is a UK company but the email is sent from PST(California time)
The last email looks to be hand written because it has lower case "i"s

Scam Email
Subject: Re: Apartment in rozelle
From: Katherine Ann received: by 2002:a4a:e751:0:0:0:0:0 with HTTP; Mon, 10 Dec 2018 15:44:42 -0800 (PST)
arc-seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1544485483; cv=none;; s=arc-20160816; b=IcTmXTWZw9EnBXyqSUcTSVcH5eOqK28t5iT1uR99RX...
arc-message-signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=to:subject:message-id:date:from:references:in-reply-...
arc-authentication-results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=20161025 header.b=C12YviAn; spf=pass ( domain of...
received-spf: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
authentication-results:; dkim=pass header.s=20161025 header.b=C12YviAn; spf=pass ( domain of kath...
dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date:messa...
mime-version: 1.0
date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 15:44:42 -0800
content-type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi, Thanks for responding to my request, I am 36 year old non smoker lady . i work with CLS Offshore and we are presently offshore and i have limited time to surf the internet and also phone calls is also strictly limited due to nature of my work. I will like you to make the arrangement for the total cost covering the available dates rent together with bond from the date the house will get to be available. I will also like you to get back to me with your apartment address for me to forward it to my luggages mover to calculate the total cost of moving my little stuffs from USA also send more pictures to me and state the present condition of the property. I will be waiting to read back from you. Cheers. Kat --------- Hello, I am in the state of bitterness as i am writing this email to you . I need a kind favor from you and i will be happy if you can sort it out for me. I was just about to transfer the rent fee when i received an email from my shipping company that i will need to pay for the shipping fee before they can ship my luggage, they charge me $950.00 for pick up and delivery of my luggage and payment for the pick up must be made to their corporate international headquarters in China. The payment must be made via RIA money transfer. So i will add $950.00 to my rent deposit and you will kindly help me to send the added $950 to my shipper at their corporate headquarters in China, i will email you to let you know when i am done with the transfer. The money transfer to the shipping agent can be done by visiting any post office around you because there is always a RIA agent/outlet there, i will also included $100.00 for the RIA money transfer charges. I would have done it myself but i can't for some circumstances regarding my work offshore, i will appreciate your kindness regarding this. Please do email me back if i should transfer the funds asap. I have as well notify PayPal insurance section. Regards. Kat --------- i am about to make the payment now and i will be sending the fund from my paypal account to your bank account because i only have access to paypal over here and once the payment is deducted from my paypal account you will receive a payment email notification from paypal,so to receive the notification you need to send an alternative email address which is not gmail so that you can be able to receive the notification i am trusting you with all fund Thanks for the help to and hope to meet you soon

Hank   (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) Added the following extra information on :2018-12-12 19:08:15
Katherine Ann Weir
Email Address:
Scam Website:
On gum tree website. Tuesday, 05 June 2018, 07:06PM +10:00 from Janet Nicolas
Thanks a lot for the email. I am away at sea at the moment,i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project. We do not have access to phone at the moment,its 5days off and 25days on,which is why I contacted you with internet messaging facility. Where is it located at the moment? I am buying it for my for my holiday and i want it delivered before my arrival.I won't be able to come for the inspection due to the nature of my work and i would have called but our calling is restricted.Regarding the payment,pls get back to me with your final asking price and your paypal details so i can process the payment,you can alternatively send your bsb and acct number if you have no paypal acct.I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct.
Regards Tuesday, 05 June 2018, 07:39PM +10:00 from Janet Nicolas
Thanks for the payment details and am happy to proceed with the payment, however i got a confirmation mail from the shipping agent now that i will need to pay for the freighting fees before they can schedule pre-shipping/ pickup date,they charged $950 for the pick up and delivery, but the problem is they only accept western union money transfer as form of payment which is sent to their HQ. I need a credit card to personally take care of that but I didn't bring it along as I am currently on duty and had thought there would be no need for bringing it along. As you are well aware of, due to the nature of my work am away and do not have access to western union, will it be ok with you if I add the $950 to the amount I am transferring? and you can help me make the western union transfer of the freighting fees through western union transfer? You are not obliged to help me, but i will indeed appreciate your help as I am a little incapacitated here.
Tuesday, 05 June 2018, 08:26PM +10:00 from Janet Nicolas
I have just made the payments into your account now and i expect PayPal to have emailed by now if not you can check your Spam or Junk folder for the Payment Confirmation email, i sent $1,580 in all, i added $1,000 meant for pick up and delivery and the western union fee also, so you will need to send $950 to the pick up agent Headquarters via western union transfer, PayPal said they have emailed you to this effect, i added extra $50 to cover the western union charges which shouldn't be more than $50, so $1,580 will be credit to your account. Here is the pick up agent info needed to get the money sent through Western union transfer: PS: If you didn't receive the payment receipt in your email? kindly check your email Spam/Junk folder because that was where i found the copy of my receipt. Name: LI LIU Address:Dongfeng Nanlunanshili jujia 16 City:Beijing State:Beijing Postal Code:100016 Country:China I will need the details of the transfer once you have sent funds and you can also make the transfer online via
Thanks The fund is currently on hold with PayPal on their database that's why it's not showing up in your account, you are to send the mtcn of the transfer details across to PayPal for verification and as soon as its verify and confirmed, the funds will be released into your account immediately because right now the money has already been deducted from my account and can't be reversed back since the transaction has been authorized.

Scam Email

ec   (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) Added the following extra information on :2018-06-05 22:01:47
Janet Nicolas
Email Address:
Scam Website:
Yes still operating through NZ FLATMATES, - although they sent me a warning notice. !!! See full headers below. !!!
Katherine Ann  To: XXXXXXXXXXXX
14 Nov at 10:33 PM
Thanks for responding to my request, I am 36 year old non smoker lady  . i work with CLS Offshore and we are presently offshore and i have limited time to surf the internet and also phone calls is also strictly limited due to nature of my work. I will like you to make the arrangement for the total cost covering the available dates rent together with bond from the date the house will get to be available. I will also like you to get back to me with your apartment address for me to forward it to my luggages mover to calculate the total cost of moving my little stuffs from USA also send more pictures to me and state the present condition of the property. I will be waiting to read back from you.
Cheers. Kat

Scam Email
Subject: Re: Room for rent in Auckland.
From: Katherine Ann return-path:
received-spf: pass (domain of designates as permitted sender)
authentication-results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig);; dkim=pass (ok)
received: by with HTTP; Tue, 14 Nov 2017 01:33:50 -0800 (PST)
dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date:messa...
mime-version: 1.0
in-reply-to: <>
references: <> <>
date: Tue, 14 Nov 2017 10:33:50 +0100
content-type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
content-length: 718

Hi, Thanks for responding to my request, I am 36 year old non smoker lady . i work with CLS Offshore and we are presently offshore and i have limited time to surf the internet and also phone calls is also strictly limited due to nature of my work. I will like you to make the arrangement for the total cost covering the available dates rent together with bond from the date the house will get to be available. I will also like you to get back to me with your apartment address for me to forward it to my luggages mover to calculate the total cost of moving my little stuffs from USA also send more pictures to me and state the present condition of the property. I will be waiting to read back from you. Cheers. Kat

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2017-11-14 20:02:49
Katherine Ann.
Email Address:
Scam Website:
Exactly same scamming emails came to me on 6th of Nov 2017, thank god I visited this page before passing any further information to her How can we complain to Police about it . I am bit scared here is one more ID tagged to kathy's ID

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2017-11-06 08:30:56
katherin ann
Email Address:
Scam Website:
This Fellx contacted me on FB indicating her friend is looking for a house to rent, and then I started an email conersation with Kat, which is exactly the same as the reported scam. I'm pasting the emails below. =================== Hi,
Thanks for responding to my request, I am 36 year old non smoker lady . i work with CLS Offshore and we are presently offshore and i have limited time to surf the internet and also phone calls is also strictly limited due to nature of my work. I will like you to make the arrangement for the total cost covering the available dates rent together with bond from the date the house will get to be available. I will also like you to get back to me with your apartment address for me to forward it to my luggages mover to calculate the total cost of moving my little stuffs from USA also send more pictures to me and state the present condition of the property. I will be waiting to read back from you.
Kat =================== Hi Thanks for the response has you ve know i work with CLS Offshore and this made my schedule so busy and this is one of the reason i wont be able to come over to view i hope i can trust you with any fund send to you?i am renting for 12month but i will like to know the total cost for 3month Kindly get back with the rental agreement and your pay-pal details or your bank details.. i can also make payment from my pay-pal to your bank account and exact amount you are expecting me to pay so i could proceed with the payment
to get a paypal is easy to setup and use you can set one up with 4minute at and send me your paypal email,and full name only
i will want you to accept that is been rented to me so kindly remove the posting
Thanks Kat ==============================

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2017-11-03 18:41:39
Katherine Ann
Email Address:
Scam Website:
Thanks for responding to my request, I am 36 year old non smoker lady . i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project and i have limited time to surf the internet and also phone calls is also strictly limited due to nature of my work. I will like you to make the arrangement for the total cost covering the available dates rent together with bond from the date the house will get to be available. I will also like you to get back to me with your apartment address for me to forward it to my luggages mover to calculate the total cost of moving my little stuffs from USA also send more pictures to me and state the present condition of the property. I will be waiting to read back from you.
Cheers. Kat

Scam Email
Gumtree U.K.

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2017-08-29 18:23:26
Ann Katherine.
Email Address:
Scam Website:
"A friend of mine(Rebecca) is keen to rent your place,Kindly contact her via ,pls do not reply here i may not have access to it .Thanks" then I received the following reply: Hi,
"Thanks for responding to my request, I am 36 year old non smoker lady . i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project and i have limited time to surf the internet and also phone calls is also strictly limited due to nature of my work. I will like you to make the arrangement for the total cost covering the available dates rent together with bond from the date the house will get to be available. I will also like you to get back to me with your apartment address for me to forward it to my luggages mover to calculate the total cost of moving my little stuffs from USA also send more pictures to me and state the present condition of the property. I will be waiting to read back from you. Cheers."

Scam Email

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2017-07-26 14:22:10
Rebecca Mayo via David Silas
Email Address:
Scam Website:
I'm posting this here in case anybody else receives an email from this address: The name "Valerie Elizabeth" whose profile picture was yellow tulips and had no friends on facebook messaged me saying this:
"A friend is willing to rent the place you have for rent and his not on Facebook,kindly email him at or better still send your email address for him to contact you."
They were responding to an advertisement I had placed on a CLOSED facebook group advertising my room for subletting, I purposely only advertise on closed facebook groups to attempt to avoid these people but alas here we are.
I reported the email to google as phishing and blocked their email and reported their facebook account and messages there also. I'm sure they can easily create more fake accounts but hopefully this helps someone! If anything it made me laugh as I would never fall for an email like that especially when he miraculously decided to rent my room within 5 minutes of me sending details and pictures!!

Scam Email
Hi Thanks for the response, I am okay with the price and I am happy with the condition. you need to know i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project and this made my schedule so busy and this is one of the reason i wont be able to come over to view and total cost for 3month rent i hope i can trust you with any fund send to you? Kindly get back with the rental agreement and your pay-pal details or your bank details.. i can also make payment from my pay-pal to your bank account and exact amount you are expecting me to pay so i could proceed with the payment to get a paypal is easy to setup and use you can set one up with 4minute at and send me your paypal email,and full name only i will want you to accept that is been rented to me so kindly remove the posting Thanks Cheers Eddie

Anonymous   () Added the following extra information on :2017-04-20 15:36:13
George Eddie (gmail)
Email Address:
Scam Website:

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