Scam Tip Report #89490 - Mystery shopping scam
Scam Reporter | Scam Tips Received
| Falcons-fan Lilburn, GA, United States 2018-03-26 17:13:35 Job Scam
| +1 Mystery shopping scam Hello,
Sorry for getting back to you late. The delay is due to the number of applications we have to treat everyday. Count yourself lucky as your details have undergone background checks and have been processed. We received your mailing details in replication to our Survey/shopper job ad. Your job is to act like any customary customer and perform a mundane business transaction while you conduct a simple evaluation (without being noticed) and accumulate information about the quality of service by staff, customer service professionalism, comportment of staff and other issues at such locations.
Your survey evaluation will be on business locations such as, Target / Kroger / Rite-Aid / K-Mart / Walmart outlets / Western Union and MoneyGram outlets / Financial institutions, etc. There have been reports about lapses in the services of their management and some of their staff. This evaluation is necessitated predicated on reports which their customers forwarded anonymously and phone calls, which were also made to the head office.
A package will be sent to you, inside the package you will find your emolument payment of $200-$300 and other funds you will utilize to carry out your surveying process. The funds will be sent securely to your mailing address you have given down in form of a Check which you would cash at your bank and use for the assignment. You may not use your personal money to consummate any of the surveying processes since we are providing you with all the funds you will require to carry out the survey. However, you are allowed to use your personal money in a situation where you want to promptly accomplish your assignment if you are capable to do so as bonuses are paid for timely execution of assignments and it enhances new tasks to be designated to you expeditiously.
An evaluation instruction will be sent to you through email, this will tell you what to do at the store location(s) you will be directed to visit and how you are to expend the funds at the location(s). I would optate you to confirm how your name should appear on the check and give down a working cell phone number where you can receive text messages. Additionally, I would want you to state if you have done this kind of job before and what your experience was when you did it? You are also to confirm your mailing address and give down your apartment number if there is any, so there won't be issues when the courier service wants to deliver the package with your payment.
Please note that you are to act cool, calm and confident throughout the period which you will be carrying out your survey at the outlets in order not to arouse any suspicion. Your swift response would be highly appreciated, replying with the subject, THIS IS ACKNOWLEDGED.
Best Regards,
Carla S Bradley
Task Coordinator
Survey Shopper®
Copyright © 2018 |
Follow Ups/Extra Information. Most recent is listed first.
| Falcons-fan (Lilburn, GA, United States) Added the following extra information on :2018-03-26 17:26:08 |
Sorry for the delay in getting your first assignment to you. This delay is due to the number of applications we have had to deal with in recent times. You are welcome to the company as our survey shopper once again. You will be receiving the funds for your 1st survey assignment today via USPS Courier Service, Friday 03/23/2018 or Saturday 03/24/2018 between 9am-3pm. USPS may ring your bell or just leave the package at your front door/porch, so please look out for it.
You are required to follow the ordinant dictations punctiliously and get back to me asap with the survey results. Your job is to act like any regular customer and perform a normal business transaction while you conduct a survey/evaluation (without being noticed) and gather information about the quality of service by staff, customer service professionalism, behavior of staff and other issues at such locations.
If by the time you receive the package today your bank is closed, you are to wait till the next business day when your bank is back in operation to carry out your assignment as it is very consequential that the check is cashed or deposited through the bank or your credit union (For verification, proper filing and record purposes) before you proceed to carry out your secret evaluation.
In confirmation that you have cashed the check through your bank or a Credit union, you are to purchase a Cashier's Check of $30 from your bank or credit union upon cashing or depositing our check you will receive today. The reason for this is because it is crucial that the check is cashed through a financial institution (Bank or Credit Union). The Check should be made to me, Carla Bradley.
The package contains a check of $2,484.50. For the purpose of your evaluation assignment, the full instruction you need to complete your assignment has been included in your assignment packet as the Customer Service Evaluation Tool(CSET). Cash instantly or deposit the check at your bank. If deposited, funds will be available the next business day.
I will be waiting to read from you soon with the requested details and your survey evaluation report. Your pay will increase after every completed assignment. You must not disclose for any reason that you are a secret-shopper for effective evaluation process. Please also understand the importance of promptness in returning your complete evaluation.
N.B: You are required to email me bold scanned copies or pictures of the I-Tunes cards, the purchase receipts and the cashier's check after you have purchased them today along with your survey evaluation reports. The I-Tunes cards to be purchased for your survey evaluation should be purchased in denominations of 100, 50 or 25. Any amount above 100 is not required and will not be accepted. Also, please ensure you send clear pictures that are not blurry and the images are not obscure when sending us your assignment reports.
Yours faithfully,
Carla S Bradley
The Task Coordinator
Copyright © 2018
Scam Email
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