| Falcons-fan Lilburn, GA, United States 2018-04-20 20:40:35 Nigerian/419 Scam
| investment promotion Dear, greetings and compliments of the moment! I got your contact reference through directory of professionals in GCC in my hotel room last time I visited Dubai for an investment promotion, coupled with information’s I was availed on your profile. I have no reason to doubt you are a person of impeccable characters. I am Hugo Spati, I operate a discreet financial consultant based in Isle of man and Netherlands and specializes in managing confidential investments of influential people mostly Russians, Ukraine, and Africans etc. I am seeking a long-term investment management assistance from a reliable and trustworthy businessman/individual resident in the Middle East Gulf Region or any part of the world once the return on interest is fascinating to handle any viable investment in his/her country or country of residence. My client is interested in funding project(s) in the Middle East Gulf, Iran, Iraq or any part of the world etc,depending on how lucrative the business venture will be.Do you have any viable lucrative project/investment regardless of the business sector that requires funding? kindly provide me with full business plan for my review and evaluation. Anticipating for your cogent response.
Hugo Financial Consultant |