Scam Tip Report #94118 - Weihnachten Google Spende (Christmas donation Google)

Scam ReporterScam Tips Received
Lilburn, GA, United States
2018-12-12 19:09:19
Nigerian/419 Scam
+3 Weihnachten Google Spende (Christmas donation Google) 
Mr. Larry
Email Address:
Scam Website:
Country of Scam:
United States (US)
This is an advanced fee scam...I also included the full headers. Law enforcement can get them by contacting Scamalot. Please read about the scam below....

Dear Google winner

Congratulations !! Congratulations !! Congratulations!!,

We are pleased to inform you that your e-mail address has won £ 950,000. Your emails were during the Internet raffle of Google LOTTERY
PROMO UK selected from twelve (12) e-mails. Your winning number GFP / 955 / GPWIN / UK

Fill out this information for your application from

(1) Your Address ..........
(2) Your phone ........
(3) your nationality .........
(4) Your full name ......
(5) Job .........
(6) your sex ........
(7) you speak English?

Note; If you are not a citizen or resident of Switzerland and Germany, do not reply to this e-mail notification

Thank you use Gmail, Google search engine and other Google products.
Mr. Larry
Yours sincerely,

Online director of Google
Great Britain
+44 (0) 20 7505 786, +3168751016
Wool Strasbourg [1] e 37,


Never use Money Gram,Western Union,Ria to send a fee to strangers. Never buy an i-tunes card,Amazon card(s) to send to scammers.Never use bitcoin and send the wallet/address to scammers. If you do,it is gone for ever. If you must send the money (please don't), insist on Using direct bank transfer only. Send the money to a US,UK,Canada, or South Africa bank account only. You could get your money back by following the advice below..
If you send money to this scammer or to any scammer,please
In the US...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report
in the UK...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report
Follow Ups/Extra Information. Most recent is listed first.
This is an advanced fee scam...I also included the full headers. Law enforcement can get them by contacting Scamalot. Please read about the scam below....
NORTH TRUST BANK PLC. 24 hours online banking service Registered in the United States of America. Registered No: 1026167.Q Registered office: 190 Carondelet Clayton, MO 61375, USA Tel: + 1-712-545-7428
Attention: ,
Greetings from North Trust Bank Plc. We received a check from Google in cooperation with our bank. We have been instructed to transfer the £ 950,000 to your bank account in Uk. Please note that we give high priority to our customers and do not share this information with third parties.
Before we can begin transferring to your local bank account in Uk, you must provide us with your bank details to effectively transfer your winnings to your specified account, kindly fill below
Account designation: Account number: SWIFT code: Bank address: Bank Name: Your personal mobile number:
Note: North Trust Bank Plc, the transfer takes 24 hours to appear in your account. Therefore, we need to understand that your understanding is needed. In addition, we know that your profit is guaranteed to arrive in your account 24 hours after receiving your bank details waiting for your email with the bank details given above.
Congratulations to you all at Iberia Bank Plc. We want you to take full advantage of this great opportunity.
Thank you for choosing North Trust Bank Plc.
Greetings. Frederick H. Waddell Accountant, North Trust Bank Plc (NTB).
Never use Money Gram,Western Union,Ria to send a fee to strangers. Never buy an i-tunes card,Amazon card(s) to send to scammers.Never use bitcoin and send the wallet/address to scammers. If you do,it is gone for ever. If you must send the money (please don't), insist on Using direct bank transfer only. Send the money to a US,UK,Canada, or South Africa bank account only. You could get your money back by following the advice below.. If you send money to this scammer or to any scammer,please In the US... 1.first... file a police report 2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report in the UK... 1.first... file a police report 2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report

Scam Email
Subject: Re: Weihnachten Google Spende .... NORTH TRUST BANK PLC.
From: NORTH TRUST BANK PLC delivered-to:
received: from [] ([]) by (3c-app-mailcom-lxa06.server.lan []) (via HTTP); Thu, 13 D...
arc-seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1544714477; cv=none;; s=arc-20160816; b=Af9S9OqwF4d1mBjjFErU42mH0C2RkrGDIaqgWZop6u...
arc-message-signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=content-transfer-encoding:references:in-reply-to:sen...
arc-authentication-results: i=1;; dkim=neutral (body hash did not verify) header.s=dbd5af2cbaf7 header.b=wUJ60iJJ; ...
received-spf: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
authentication-results:; dkim=neutral (body hash did not verify) header.s=dbd5af2cbaf7 header.b=wUJ60iJJ; spf...
dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=dbd5af2cbaf7; t=1544714477; bh=7TJI/7uwfhg1xgugci0fVUJbhu/hQIp2qKqANUZ8a10=; ...
mime-version: 1.0
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 16:21:17 +0100
importance: normal
sensitivity: Normal
references: <> content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable


Falcons-fan   (Lilburn, GA, United States) Added the following extra information on :2018-12-13 18:33:47
Frederick H. Waddell
Email Address:
Scam Website:
This is an advanced fee scam...I also included the full headers. Law enforcement can get them by contacting Scamalot. Please read about the scam below....
Hello ,
Congratulations. The Google team has your identity successfully verified with the National Tax Agency and your identity is valid in your country Switzerland.
In the meantime, your winning certificate is part of the winning confirmation from Google. You need to contact with the following Bank to the NORTH TRUST BANK, which is our authorized bank to begin processing and remittance of your £ 950,000 to your account on the spot. Contact the bank with the following information.
Bank Name: NORTH TRUST BANK E-mail: Account Manager: Frederick H. Waddell
Note: You need as soon as possible contact with the bank to start the transfer of your legal profits to your local bank in Switzerland.
Many thanks,
Mr. Larry Online director of Google Great Britain +44 (0) 7605 20 886, Wool Strasse 37, D-67547 Worms .
Hallo ,
Herzliche Glückwünsche. Das Google-Team hat Ihre Identität erfolgreich bei der National Tax Agency verifiziert und Ihre Identität ist in Ihrem Land Schweiz gültig.
In der Zwischenzeit ist Ihr Gewinnerzeugnis ein Teil der Gewinnbestätigung von Google. Sie müssen sich mit der folgenden Bank an die NORTH TRUST BANK wenden, die unsere zugelassene Bank ist, um die Verarbeitung und die Überweisung Ihrer £ 950.000 auf Ihr Konto vor Ort zu beginnen. Kontaktieren Sie die Bank mit den folgenden Informationen.
Name der Bank: NORTH TRUST BANK E-Mail: Account Manager: Frederick H. Waddell
Hinweis: Sie müssen sich so schnell wie möglich mit der Bank in Verbindung setzen, um die Überweisung Ihres legalen Gewinns an Ihre lokale Bank in Schweiz zu beginnen.
Danke vielmals,
Mr. Larry Online-Direktor von Google Grossbritannien +44 (0) 20 7605 886, Wollstrasse 37, D-67547 Worms.
Never use Money Gram,Western Union,Ria to send a fee to strangers. Never buy an i-tunes card,Amazon card(s) to send to scammers.Never use bitcoin and send the wallet/address to scammers. If you do,it is gone for ever. If you must send the money (please don't), insist on Using direct bank transfer only. Send the money to a US,UK,Canada, or South Africa bank account only. You could get your money back by following the advice below.. If you send money to this scammer or to any scammer,please In the US... 1.first... file a police report 2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report in the UK... 1.first... file a police report 2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report

Scam Email
Subject: Re: Weihnachten Google Spende
From: Google Kontakt Claim delivered-to:
received: from ( []) by with SMTPS id v196sor713158oie.29...
arc-seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1544690724; cv=none;; s=arc-20160816; b=Me/LNOh8sInULOJAFibLijOgdTyFbTmwOpkjykLIq1...
arc-message-signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=to:subject:message-id:date:from:in-reply-to:referenc...
arc-authentication-results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=20161025 header.b=Ts0AGILJ; spf=pass ( domain of...
received-spf: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
authentication-results:; dkim=pass header.s=20161025 header.b=Ts0AGILJ; spf=pass ( domain of kont...
dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:references:in-reply-to:from:date:messa...
mime-version: 1.0
references: <> in-reply-to:
date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:45:14 -0800
content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="000000000000db0f3f057ce355ba"

Falcons-fan   (Lilburn, GA, United States) Added the following extra information on :2018-12-13 18:28:08
Name Unknown
Email Address:
Scam Website:
Hello ,
Thank you for your quick reply. We're almost done with your manual preview and you need to send us a copy of your ID, driver's license or your photo book for review. I need to preview your identity in order to confirm your profit.
Once your quick manual verification is complete, Google will advocate before the successful transmission or verification of delivery, a document with a transfer agreement and an official award certificate. Congratulations Google team.
Many thanks,
Best regards, Mr. Larry Online Google Director Great Britain +44 (0) 20 7505 786, +31686445100 Wool 37, 67547 Worms .
Hallo ,
Vielen Dank für Ihre schnelle Antwort. Wir sind mit Ihrer manuellen Vorschau fast fertig und Sie müssen uns eine Kopie Ihrer ID, Ihres Führerscheins oder Ihres Fotobuchs zur Überprüfung zusenden. Ich brauche eine Vorschau Ihrer Identität, um Ihren Gewinn zu bestätigen.
Sobald Ihre schnelle manuelle Überprüfung abgeschlossen ist, erhalten Sie von Google Advocate vor der erfolgreichen Übertragung oder Überprüfung der Lieferung ein Dokument mit einem Übertragungsvertrag und einem offiziellen Preiszertifikat. Glückwunsch von Google Team.
Danke vielmals,
Schöne Grüße, Mr. Larry Online Google Director Grossbritannien +44 (0) 20 7505 786, +31686445100 Wollstraße 37, 67547 Worms.
Never use Money Gram,Western Union,Ria to send a fee to strangers. Never buy an i-tunes card,Amazon card(s) to send to scammers.Never use bitcoin and send the wallet/address to scammers. If you do,it is gone for ever. If you must send the money (please don't), insist on Using direct bank transfer only. Send the money to a US,UK,Canada, or South Africa bank account only. You could get your money back by following the advice below.. If you send money to this scammer or to any scammer,please In the US... 1.first... file a police report 2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report in the UK... 1.first... file a police report 2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report

Scam Email
Subject: Re: Weihnachten Google Spende (Christmas donation Google)
From: Google Kontakt Claim delivered-to:
received: from ( []) by with SMTPS id r8sor11081935oti.15...
arc-seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1544643444; cv=none;; s=arc-20160816; b=fZDTqDfcuouWUUjhr8pynEGIbMY40Egtg9qcbKAkUb...
arc-message-signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=to:subject:message-id:date:from:in-reply-to:referenc...
arc-authentication-results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=20161025 header.b="GL/4cYNX"; spf=pass ( domain ...
received-spf: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
authentication-results:; dkim=pass header.s=20161025 header.b="GL/4cYNX"; spf=pass ( domain of ko...
dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:references:in-reply-to:from:date:messa...
mime-version: 1.0
date: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 21:37:17 -0800
content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000c89936057cd85334"

Falcons-fan   (Lilburn, GA, United States) Added the following extra information on :2018-12-12 19:43:56
Google Kontakt Claim
Email Address:
Scam Website:

 Got more information on this Scam/Scammer?
 Problems with this Report? Let us know

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