Scam Tip Report #9941 - Late Engr. Robert Adler named you in his Will. Contact his Attorney on or call +27810557665
Follow Ups/Extra Information. Most recent is listed first.
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2014-06-10 18:10:53 |
5902 Green Valley Circle,
Ste. 200. Culver City,
CA 90230.
Tel: 323-801-8450
Top of the day to you.
We want to acknowledge the receipt of your email in this chamber and also want you to know that you have absolute right to reject this WILL as much as you have the right to accept it . If you wish to turn it down then let me know so I can send you a WILL rejection form to fill and revert back to this office. I am not going to impose it on you but just doing my job here.
Late Engr. Robert Adler was born in Vienna, Austria in 1913 where he was educated.
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2014-04-23 17:22:03 |
really fucked up way to get personal information from the bottom 1% of the income populas...
| No Name (Ballwin, MO, United States) Added the following extra information on :2014-03-22 12:48:46 |
Late Engr. Robert Adler named you in his Will, contact cl.chance@att.netâ€â€Ž
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2014-01-23 09:19:36 |
Got a message from "arlene miller" to contact "cliff" i replied he asked if he wrote me on a certain day i tol him i got a message from arlene and he replied within minutes with a message of some guy engr. Robert Adler stating he put me in his will to recieve millions on dollars and to send some information
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2013-10-18 18:48:32 |
Same, asks for replies to:
Scam EmailNot scammed, but irked. Sent am 19GB junk file to reply address through a throwaway email addy, just for fun. #scambaiting
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2013-07-24 17:39:22 |
9:11 AM (1 hour ago)
Late Engr. Robert Adler named you in his Will, contact his Attorney; or call +27839669925
| Anonymous () Added the following extra information on :2013-06-25 21:46:07 |
My Late Client (Engr. Robert Adler) named you in his Will. Contact his Attorney (Clifford Chance Esq) via Email;
Scam EmailI was not scammed...but this is the second email I recieved.