Scam Reporter | Scam Tips Received
| Anonymous Dwight, Ontario, Canada 2013-04-18 14:32:10 Charity scam
| +1 My wife violet and I is donating the sum of two million USD to you
... ⇒ more |
| Kimberly Somewhere in United States 2013-04-15 20:01:25 Charity scam
| Charity I just received this email. The person who the email is from is a real person. I found her through the Georgia Regents Unviersity. She is an MD and the email is the one listed on the page. ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2013-04-11 17:04:44 Charity scam Yahoo | through my cricket perks they wanted my info to send donation they even have a web site... ⇒ more |
| Leifmagnuss Kopparberg, Örebro County, Sweden 2013-04-10 20:38:50 Charity scam Other Job Site | dieing widow An email(scam)to my mailbox on and then make google search for scam information.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Perth, Western Australia, Australia 2013-04-07 01:07:29 Charity scam
| Re: Charity fund.....from ...Christy Presley (Christy.Presley@BossierSchools.Org Hello,
With respect to the donation fund worth $2 Million proposed by Mrs J. Abady, I tried contacting you yesterday for your help in the setup. I am her Personal Assistant and this is a reminder to please contact her immediately for details at her priv... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Harker Heights, TX, United States 2013-04-04 04:47:14 Charity scam
Date: 4th April, 2013.
Dear Winner,
You are entitled to $920,000.00 USD in the on-going Gazprom Oil & Gas
Poverty Alleviation Program. To apply for your p... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-04-03 13:19:11 Charity scam Yahoo | +1 Allen and Violet Large.
My wife Violet and I Allen Large won $11.3 million in a lottery 6-49 in
July, 2010 and we have decided to donate the sum of $2,000,000.00 USD to
you. Contact us via our personal email for more details
Good Day To You
Complement of the season from the L... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-04-03 13:15:10 Charity scam Yahoo | +1 Untitled Charity scam on Yahoo, ref:8934
My wife Violet and I Allen Large won $11.3 million in a lottery 6-49 in
July, 2010 and we have decided to donate the sum of $2,000,000.00 USD to
you. Contact us via our personal email for more details
Good Day To You
Complement of the season from the L... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Brattleboro, VT, United States 2013-03-29 17:17:20 Charity scam
| violet large foundation giving away 2m to me bevause his wife has cancer and would be living much longer.they won the lottery in 2010... ⇒ more |
| No Name Wellington, Somerset, United Kingdom 2013-03-25 21:47:19 Charity scam
| Subject: IMPORTANT SECURITY UPDATE From: Lloyds TSB Bank ; USA IP LloydsTSB Phishing Scam with link redirecting to phishing URL at NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS) sending scam supposedly sent by customerservice@lloydsbank
Source IP:
ISP: Ecommerce Cor... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Hayward, WI, United States 2013-03-25 20:22:18 Charity scam
| Untitled Charity scam , ref:8804 ... ⇒ more |
| No Name Chicago, IL, United States 2013-03-25 18:59:32 Charity scam
| Mr. Allen Large Compliment of the day to you from Nationwide Bank Plc, United Kingdom. Britain finest and concise online banking institution with a global perspective. Our unique service trend in the European and world market speaks volume of how keen we hold our greatest... ⇒ more |
| SherC Fort Worth, TX, United States 2013-03-25 12:41:55 Charity scam Other Payment Site | Gillian and Adrian Bayford
This is is a personal email directed to you, My wife and i won a Jackpot Lottery
of £148.6 Million Pounds on 10 August 2012, and have voluntarily decided to donate
the sum of £1,500,000.00 GBP to you as one our lucky beneficiary as part of ou... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India 2013-03-23 09:47:00 Charity scam
| email My wife and I won the biggest Euro Millions lottery prize of £101,203,600.70 GBP
and we just commenced our Charity Donation and we will be giving out a cash
donation of £1,000,000.00 GBP each to five(5)lucky individuals, five(5)NGOs and ten(10)char... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-03-20 00:22:10 Charity scam
| Tim Cahill Tim Cahill send me an e-mail say that a Ms. Fiona Crawford had been diagnose with cancer and that she was touch by god to donate all her money to me. They go on and mention how its for Humanitarian work and to contact Mark Roland.... ⇒ more |
| No Name Somewhere in Kenya 2013-03-19 08:30:47 Charity scam
| maura abranches Scammer Information | Name: violet wong | Email Address:
| Scam Website:
| Fax:
... ⇒ more |
| Karen Jumper Chandler, AZ, United States 2013-03-18 01:32:08 Charity scam Craigslist ( | They got my name from "Educational Resources" website. They have a link to Global Mail (?) describing how they won a large jackpot. Then they tell you that they have chosen you to be one of 10 recipients of a $ 500,000.00 charitable donation. "just 'KIN... ⇒ more |
| anon Reno, NV, United States 2013-03-17 21:16:26 Charity scam
| RE: URGENT MATTER!! Attempted phishing. Didn't respond.... ⇒ more |
| John Gladhill Chicago, IL, United States 2013-03-15 22:13:10 Charity scam
| +1 Untitled Charity scam , ref:8652 Dear John M Gladhill, Re: CONTACT NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PLC.
How are you doing today? I pray this letter find you in much peace and harmony, may God bless you and also with this donation, I received your last email with along with your payment informa... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Elizabeth, NJ, United States 2013-03-15 03:29:34 Charity scam
| +1 Mr. and Mrs. Large donated 500000 us dollars to you
... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Aberdeen, WA, United States 2013-03-15 02:02:55 Charity scam Yahoo | +1 Contact Authorized Payout Bank†Scammer Information | Name: Name Unknown | Email Address:
| Scam Website:
| Fax:
I responded to the first email and received more directions.
I am pasting the code from the first email here.
X-EIP: [z6xOLmUNpKrEjA33moQH1kP6GoBGuhzl]
X-Originating-Email: []
... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Temecula, CA, United States 2013-03-14 14:51:10 Charity scam
| Untitled Charity scam , ref:8631 They said they were the couple Allen and violet Large who won a lottery in 2010 and now wanted to give me 2 million dollars . They put a link Inuit the body of the email that went to an article about the elderly couple
They asked for my name and address t... ⇒ more |
| Tina Lawrenceville, GA, United States 2013-03-14 01:44:25 Charity scam
| My Dear: Ms Mar Jordan Saying she needs my info bc she wants to send me her money and not her greedy family. Sounds very fishy and odd to me... more like taking people for granted. I dot believe the hoax one minute! Put email address in google and shows its a scam! BEWARE!!!... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-03-12 21:05:51 Charity scam
| donating money to us they want to give you money... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2013-03-10 16:40:51 Charity scam
| Mrs. Fiona Crawford Beneficiary I recieved an email a few days ago stating that "Mrs. Fiona Crawford" was dying and wanted her late husband's estate to be willed to someone who would use it for humanitarian purposes. Suspecting a major scam, I replied to the attorney's email, asking how... ⇒ more |