Scam Reporter | Scam Tips Received
| Anonymous Terlingua, TX, United States 2012-10-18 22:17:36 Dating Scam Yahoo | Romance Scam - Jessie Mae Dalmacio IC3 Complaint ID: I1210180540191301, Jessie Mae Dalmacio, Mae Dalmacio, Jcmaedalmacio, Chona Bustaliño Dalmacio, Christian Jane Pacatan. This is a romance scam run by several parties from Phase 1 Block 35 Lot 4 Southville 3 Poblacion NBP, Muntinlupa Ci... ⇒ more |
| oliver Perth, Western Australia, Australia 2012-10-16 10:20:10 Dating Scam
| We discovered these matches for you Hi there,
We discovered these matches for you
... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Perth, Western Australia, Australia 2012-10-11 09:50:46 Dating Scam Yahoo | DATING SITE u met them on line they chat to you as normal' u will have fun she will tell u i love u i need u as u are all i have she will tell u its hard here and i don't like it here as u get to talk to her long she will ask to help pay 4 my internet bill so i can ta... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa 2012-10-10 08:19:51 Dating Scam
| dating scam, identity theft, social network scam, urgent/important business opportunity he break into your facebook profile get you information, start to entice you with love letters and ask your cantact details like your email address after you gave him your email address, he want your recent photo and phone number. I asked him to gave me th... ⇒ more |
| Jim Oldham, Oldham, United Kingdom 2012-10-06 15:50:07 Dating Scam
| +1 contact through a skype random search Scammer Information | Name: Nora Boatemaa | Email Address:
| Scam Website:
| Fax:
uses the stolen photo's of porn star Lana Brooke.
says she is happy to be your fuckbuddy and to have a cyber sex relationship
did not have a webcam and so conveniently had a fire destroying her computer and cam just after i bought her a cam. then proceeded... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Staunton, VA, United States 2012-09-30 12:53:33 Dating Scam Other Payment Site | Love Scam wanted money and bank account info.
... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom 2012-09-29 16:02:27 Dating Scam
| romance scam this guy contacted me on twitter then asked for my facebook quickly we gained a friendship i was married, and he realised very quickly that i was very vunerable,he romanced me for a while then he asked for 400 for his debts that he was in , i never saw tha... ⇒ more |
| Gary Schuller Mukwonago, WI, United States 2012-09-26 01:52:52 Dating Scam Yahoo | credit rippoff THIS WOMAN FRAUDED ME OUT OF $10,000.00 thru western union cash advances.Her last known address is Hilda Larbi Kwapong House No.41/5 Inkubease Street Agona Odobeng , Central Region West Africa 00233,her phone number that she used to steal my lifes savings ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland 2012-09-16 18:31:36 Dating Scam Yahoo | Untitled Dating Scam on Yahoo, ref:5123 We started talking on the dating site TWOO and he sounded great, he has a daughter Christa 6 years, we started "a relationship" haha..... that was a joke, soon there were lots of appendix stuff on her and him, and then she went to coma and needed money! Ye... ⇒ more |
| Dayzee Middlesbrough, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom 2012-09-02 21:02:23 Dating Scam Yahoo | dating scam He sent an icebreaker to me on and asked me to start chatting with him on yahoo messenger because of the long hours he worked. His identity was a colonal in the US Army on deployment in Afghanistan. Eventually he asked me to request a lea... ⇒ more |
| David Benton Knightdale, NC, United States 2012-08-18 02:23:43 Dating Scam Craigslist ( | +1 Email Dating Site Scam Listed item for sale on Craigslist. This email came unsolicited, just one of many...
Greetings this could possibly be strange but you seem thrilling in your listing. Do you want to get together sometimes? I'm not a weirdo, just feeling frisky. If you're ... ⇒ more |
| david benton Henderson, NC, United States 2012-08-16 19:27:21 Dating Scam Craigslist ( | +1 Craigslist Posting gets scam emails After posting an item on Craigslist I have received the following email... one of many with the same exact text....
I'm mesmerized about you and your ad. I wish to speak more and was thinking if you could call/text me with your address? Please get hold ... ⇒ more |
| david benton Henderson, NC, United States 2012-08-16 17:25:10 Dating Scam
| Unsolicited email from Craigslist Scammer Email sent to me after posting a listing on Craigslist. Sent through the CL contact form...
We are near to each other so why not get coffee in near future? I already know this is for sales but I could not withstand it, you seem good looking. Could we chi... ⇒ more |
| David Benton Knightdale, NC, United States 2012-08-15 00:10:38 Dating Scam Craigslist ( |  Email Scam Email scam that targets those who post ads on Craigslist...
We are located close to one another so why not get espresso whenever? I do know this is for sales but I could not back away, you sound good looking. Are we able to chat right away, I have used th... ⇒ more |
| 5im0n Vila do Conde, Porto, Portugal 2012-07-30 10:58:58 Dating Scam
| +2 - Romance Scam This so called "Judit Oneil" user is a automatic scam mechanism.
It sends out an e-mail message to users registered in sites like, dating sites, discussion foruns, and many other kind of websites from where it phishes personal information, saying... ⇒ more |
| Kelly Sacramento, CA, United States 2012-07-23 19:15:38 Dating Scam Other Payment Site | +2 Ghana dating scammer Shawn claims to be a 41 years US citizen who traveled to Ghana on business, and ran into some tough times. He got in accident, was kidnapped, thrown in jail and his daughter was raped. With all of this he refused to go to the American Embassy. He went to G... ⇒ more |
| will Johnson Somewhere in United States 2012-07-10 05:38:12 Dating Scam Yahoo | past two days asking for money and today started asking about personal info where I bank etc. Was on meetmoi winked at a new member she winked back started Chating and after a week I thought I was in love said down helping
take care of her grandmother and doing volunteer work in Nigeria
Just got laptop so never heard of Nigerian scammers and felt ... ⇒ more |
| Sherry Somewhere in Canada 2012-07-09 14:05:56 Dating Scam
| +6 Love scam He made me believe he loved me and wanted to marry me, we married in 2009 he still not in Canada with me but ofcourse still needs money from me. Goes by Christian okonkwo, Christian desire, he's made his way to USA illegally plays soccer on a team in USA u... ⇒ more |
| Anja Odense, South Denmark, Denmark 2012-07-07 18:19:50 Dating Scam
| +1 Untitled Dating Scam , ref:3684 His name is Michael Howell and he says he is 48 years old marine engineer and lives in Lisburn (Ireland), he would send a package with something secret inside and a diamond necklace which he would have purchased at one time or another ... he can really sen... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Somewhere in United States 2015-01-06 19:26:11 Dating Scam
| +11 shawn lepore Scammer Information | Name: shawn lepore | Email Address:
| Scam Website:
| Fax:
It was a dating scam I am disabled & he scammed me for $30k to $40k of assetts and then when I didn't have any more to give he took off.... ⇒ more |
| Cara Jentzen Somewhere in United States 2012-06-24 06:51:27 Dating Scam Yahoo | Nigerian romance scam Contacted me via Facebook; encouraged me to IM on Yahoo; we emailed 3 weeks . He stated lives in uk; called me several times at work. Was trying to arrange a date to come to states to meet me. Already talking marriage. He said he had a car brokerage bu... ⇒ more |
| No Name Singapore, , Singapore 2012-06-13 16:44:35 Dating Scam Yahoo | Romance Send you a parcel .. And ask you to pay the tax
Or contract have some problem ..
Ask you to pay the contract fees and telling you
A lot of sweet talk u..marry u !!
Pls be careful !!!! ... ⇒ more |
| William Louis Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2012-06-12 17:00:34 Dating Scam
| +3 Ghana internet dating scam I was contacted by a woman through Thai Love Links, an internet dating site. She said she was Ghanaian living in Ghana but using a Thai friend's picture as part of her Thai Love Links profile. We continued to communicate on gmail and she sent me several ... ⇒ more |
| mary la rose Lisle, IL, United States 2012-05-31 13:52:46 Dating Scam
| +9 sgt. johnson baxter my name is mary. i met sgt. baxter on facebook. he had a really good profile. then when i started talking to him he asked me to contact the military. i did. they wanted 700$ for processing the forms. i told him i didnt have any money. he claims he wants to... ⇒ more |
| crazycat Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom 2012-05-28 19:20:50 Dating Scam Yahoo | Nigerian Military Dating Scam I accepted a friend request on Facebook off a person calling himself Sgt Mark Seymour David, he claimed to have seen my profile on He claimed he was a U.S. soldier based in Afghanistan. After speaking to him for a while he asked me to apply for... ⇒ more |