Scam Reporter | Scam Tips Received
| Anonymous Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2019-02-14 23:49:03 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  "Jessica Alex" - I posted an ad on Gumtree to sell a bed. The scammer sent a message and asked for my email. I replied with my email address. The scammer wrote back as follows.
From: angie
Gummie since 2019
Hi {my name},
Hi what is your email ?
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| Anonymous Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2018-12-05 19:58:31 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +1 Gumtree scam Gumtree item listed, received a text message
Hi, please do email me your firm asking price of your ad posted on gumtree with the pickup address for cash pickup right now
Then an email reply
Happy to read from you. Can you tell me m... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Seattle, WA, United States 2018-11-26 21:57:08 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | stating he is working on an off shore oil rig and asking to put money into a Western Union account to arrange freight!... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Hornsby, New South Wales, Australia 2018-11-14 05:06:38 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Theresa benson Same as all other Theresa Bensen scams on Scamalot. Wanting to buy goods on Gumtree, then wanting me to include an amount to cover delivery - through Western Union. Says she works for New Zealand Oli & Gas.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2018-10-18 10:00:55 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  gumtree scam scam was regarding a western union money transfer.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 2018-09-05 12:59:01 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +2 Gumtree Gumtree. User was Katty.
Asked for email address. Gave a fake one.
Name changed to khopp moore
Asked for best price on "Camera" which was the category not the actual item.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 2018-09-05 05:57:52 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +1 Gumtree Scam - - In NZ Posted an item for sale on to which the scammer replied asking for our private email. Once the email was sent confirming our private email address, they responded with the below:
Thanks a lot for the email. I work with F... ⇒ more |
| JeeDee Somewhere in Australia 2018-08-06 00:18:26 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Buying scam with PayPal probably First text from US number:
On behalf of my partner,Kindly get back to me via if your car is still on for sale with a picture also.
Then my first email plus his response, smells like a scam and looked him up:
Thanks for the ... ⇒ more |
| Gina Romford, Havering, United Kingdom 2018-07-16 22:30:39 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | I have an xbox one for sale and this low life gave me this speeeeeel....
Absolute bottom feeder i wished i had looked the email address up after feeling guilty that i thought it was a scam...
Thanks for the response! The price is a good buy for... ⇒ more |
| Mal Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2018-06-22 07:05:52 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +16 Pretends to buy from Gumtree then sends a scam Paypal instructions Pretends to buy from Gumtree then sends a scam Paypal instructions. Sayes check in your scam inbox for instructions on how to get money from Paypal. Asks for bank account details. Asks for email address. Then hassles for details.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom 2018-06-19 10:11:10 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Offering money without checking the car before purchase and also claiming hes offshore. Offering money without checking the car before purchase and also claiming hes offshore. Asking for bank details or paypal so he can transfer the money then send a pick up agent to collect the car. Just didnt seem right so, i checked the email over and seen... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 2018-06-12 11:11:43 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +3 Gumtree Scammer - Khopp Moore Alluding to be an oceanographer trying to purchase drone from gumtree.
Similar details to other listings on this scammer... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Cessnock, New South Wales, Australia 2018-05-24 04:58:56 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Gumtree Scam from Miracle Jettrow <> Within an hour of posting an item for sale on Gumtree I received a message from this scammer.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 2018-05-14 13:13:52 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +1 Received email regarding car sale, didn't question the price wanted to buy straight up without seeing it despite listing faults Dylan text stating he wanted my vehicle with all the faults he would pay the asking price without looking at it. Unable to get mobile number just came up with 'Dylan' as the name. I sent questions back but he just wanted to buy the car. Thankfully i check... ⇒ more |
| good guy 777 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2018-05-11 05:39:42 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Beware of Shirley Anderson - Gumtree Buyer and her Scot Nagal Buyer of goods on Gumtree and Ebay, introducing herself/himself as Shirley Anderson,who works in the ocean and would like to buy a computer or other goods, using PayPal and requesting to return "overpaid" money. - Scot Nagal ... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Perth, Western Australia, Australia 2018-05-06 08:53:28 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +7 Kapo Project Gumtree I thought that the response to my ad on Gumtree sounded a bit suspect. I searched for details on the Kapo project and see that the same story has been used in other scams but under a different name.... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia 2018-05-03 03:48:49 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Contacts through classifieds item for sale post and asks to contact via email Says they are having trouble with pay pal and requests bank details to make bank transfers.
Delivery address is related to scams under different names.
Known to send a fake bank email saying transfer of money occurred.
Offers more money for internationa... ⇒ more |
| Cameron Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2018-04-30 05:55:14 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Graduation Present Scam, Dongfeng Nanlunanshili jujia 16, Beijing China First Contact Email :-
Thank you for getting back to me, I would have loved to call you directly but due to the nature of my work as am an oceanographer and on a job contract at the moment. The contract is strictly no call due to the lack of reception on... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 2018-04-28 02:17:31 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Gumtree scam ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 2018-04-28 02:15:09 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +2 Reza farhady - Car scammer Selling a vehicle on gumtree and I received this message:
"Thanks for the response,I would have loved to call you directly but due to the nature of my work, I work with the The Australian Army Corps. we do not have access to phone at the moment,which is... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2018-04-26 04:49:02 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Gumtree SCAM, Joel Blessings and Richard Johnson Had the exact same email in the last two days from two different people. The first email I thought it was ligitamate, and I provided my personal details as I am selling an item on gumtree. The first one wanted me to pay the shipping via Moneygram to an Ame... ⇒ more |
| louise88 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2018-04-22 23:42:20 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Katty Moore Gumtree Sold a HP laptop on Gumtree, was contacted via text message by someone asking if it was still available, and can I please contact their partner at as they wanted to buy it. So i sent an email saying it was still available, received a repl... ⇒ more |
| Anonymous Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 2018-03-19 00:17:28 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  Used Car
Tyler Moore
10:05 AM (7 minutes ago)
to me
Thanks for the response,I would have loved to call you directly but due to the nature i work with the The Australian Army Corps. we do not have access to phone at the moment,which is why I contacted you with... ⇒ more |
| Kareem Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 2018-02-17 02:25:16 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree |  PayPal scam and fruad This guy scammed me on gum tree while I was trying to sell my ps4 VR and a camera plus a game I offered him 500 bucks for the product he agreed and told me if you can ship it to express post at this address he told me this was a friend's address under the ... ⇒ more |
| Jim McMillan Perth, Western Australia, Australia 2017-12-05 11:25:43 Auction/eBay Scam Gumtree | +1 Wanted courier fee paid in advance on supposed furniture purchase This character responded to an advertisement that I placed with Gumtree (Queensland, Australia) for the sale of 8 x timber outdoor dining chairs for $280. His pitch was similar to other examples quoted to you (working for NZOG in Taranaki area, 20 days on ... ⇒ more |